Track your daily expenses and share it with your self-hosted backend.
- Written with Compose Multiplatform
- Based on Kotlin Multiplatform
- Persistence is using Room Multiplatform
- Dependency Injection with Koin
💥 currently broken
Hey Google, add Groceries to DailyExpenses.
💥 currently broken Share expenses with friends and family via a self-hosted backend
- Setup you server address
- create & enter credentials
- enter expenses
- synchronize expenses with backend
- see expenses from others
Run the server by calling the following command:
./gradlew :server:run
it will spin up the server on
Build and deploy an debug version of the application to a connected device or emulator by running:
./gradlew :frontend:installDebug
- iOS Setup
- remove all Material or Material3 dependencies
- rewrite the screens based on this dribbble design
- Fastlane setup for deployment
- Google Play
- F-Droid