Rich features are provided by MLStyle.jl and you can check documents to get started.
For installation, open package manager mode in Julia shell and add MLStyle
pkg> add MLStyle#master
Many comparsions among distinct related Julia productions have been made.
Check source codes at Matrix Benchmark.
P.S: The dependency to make this cross-implementation benchmarks has been removed from this repo, clone Benchmarkplotting to run maxtrix-benchmark.jl
In x-axis, after the name of test-case is the least time-consuming one's index, the unit is ns
The y-label is the ratio of the implementation's time cost to that of the least time-consuming.
- vs MacroTools
- vs Match.jl
In x-axis, after the name of test-case is the least allocted one's index, the unit is bytes
The y-label is the ratio of the implementation's allocation cost to that of the least allocted.
- vs MacroTools
- vs Match.jl
Benchmark scripts for any other language are welcome. We're curious about the actual performance ranking of MLStyle.jl.
In this README I'm glad to share some non-trivial code snippets.
rmlines = @λ begin
e :: Expr -> Expr(e.head, filter(x -> x !== nothing, map(rmlines, e.args))...)
:: LineNumberNode -> nothing
a -> a
expr = quote
struct S{T}
a :: Int
b :: T
end |> rmlines
@match expr begin
struct $name{$tvar}
$f1 :: $t1
$f2 :: $t2
end =>
struct $name{$tvar}
$f1 :: $t1
$f2 :: $t2
end |> rmlines == expr
@use GADT
@data public Exp{T} begin
Sym :: Symbol => Exp{A} where {A}
Val{A} :: A => Exp{A}
App{A, B} :: (Exp{Fun{A, B}}, Exp{A_}) => Exp{B} where {A_ <: A}
Lam{A, B} :: (Symbol, Exp{B}) => Exp{Fun{A, B}}
If{A} :: (Exp{Bool}, Exp{A}, Exp{A}) => Exp{A}
A simple intepreter implementation using GADTs could be found at test/untyped_lam.jl
Currently, in MLStyle it's not a full featured one, but even a subset with parametric active pattern could be super useful.
@active Re{r :: Regex}(x) begin
match(r, x)
@match "123" begin
Re{r"\d+"}(x) => x
_ => @error ""
end # RegexMatch("123")