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Rich features are provided by MLStyle.jl and you can check documents to get started.

For installation, open package manager mode in Julia shell and add MLStyle.

pkg> add MLStyle#master


Many comparsions among distinct related Julia productions have been made.

Check source codes at Matrix Benchmark.

P.S: The dependency to make this cross-implementation benchmarks has been removed from this repo, clone Benchmarkplotting to run maxtrix-benchmark.jl.

Time Overhead

In x-axis, after the name of test-case is the least time-consuming one's index, the unit is ns).

The y-label is the ratio of the implementation's time cost to that of the least time-consuming.

  • vs MacroTools

vs MacroTools.jl on time

  • vs Match.jl

vs Match.jl on time


In x-axis, after the name of test-case is the least allocted one's index, the unit is bytes).

The y-label is the ratio of the implementation's allocation cost to that of the least allocted.

  • vs MacroTools

vs MacroTools.jl on time

  • vs Match.jl

vs Match.jl on time

Compare With Other Languages

Benchmark scripts for any other language are welcome. We're curious about the actual performance ranking of MLStyle.jl.


In this README I'm glad to share some non-trivial code snippets.

Homoiconic pattern matching for Julia ASTs

rmlines =  begin
    e :: Expr           -> Expr(e.head, filter(x -> x !== nothing, map(rmlines, e.args))...)
      :: LineNumberNode -> nothing
    a                   -> a
expr = quote
    struct S{T}
        a :: Int
        b :: T
end |> rmlines

@match expr begin
        struct $name{$tvar}
            $f1 :: $t1
            $f2 :: $t2
    end =>
        struct $name{$tvar}
            $f1 :: $t1
            $f2 :: $t2
    end |> rmlines == expr

Generalized Algebraic Data Types

@use GADT

@data public Exp{T} begin
   Sym       :: Symbol => Exp{A} where {A}
   Val{A}    :: A => Exp{A}
   App{A, B} :: (Exp{Fun{A, B}}, Exp{A_}) => Exp{B} where {A_ <: A}
   Lam{A, B} :: (Symbol, Exp{B}) => Exp{Fun{A, B}}
   If{A}     :: (Exp{Bool}, Exp{A}, Exp{A}) => Exp{A}

A simple intepreter implementation using GADTs could be found at test/untyped_lam.jl.

Active Patterns

Currently, in MLStyle it's not a full featured one, but even a subset with parametric active pattern could be super useful.

@active Re{r :: Regex}(x) begin
    match(r, x)

@match "123" begin
    Re{r"\d+"}(x) => x
    _ => @error ""
end # RegexMatch("123")