👋 Hi, I’m Sven
I am a freshly graduated Neuroengineer from the Technical University in Munich (TUM) and currently located in Munich, Germany.
My main interests are twofold:
- I love to apply AI to the neuro and medical field in a pursuit to create a positive impact to the world. This ranges from reconstructing images from brain recordings to detecting pathologies from imaging data.
- I am fascinated by the different facets of AI and love to a) re-build the latest methods from scratch to get a thorough understanding of how things work and b) think about smart ways of how to use and extend the techniques efficiently in various projects.
A flavor of 1. can be found in the eegreconstruction repository which contains the code that I have (completely solo) written during my time at the MIT Media Lab.
For 2. I would like to invite you to check out the Machine-Learning-Projects repository in which I have coded several models from both, the predictive and generative AI field, from scratch or have applied state-of-the-art techniques to different use cases. Alternatively, you may explore some of my other (university) projects, too.
🧠 How to catch me: Non-trivial (ML) project ideas that are a) very impactful 🚀 and/or b) super cool 😎.
📫 How to reach me: sven.guenther@tum.de