This is the plugin for paginating in rails 2.x and 3.x.
The plugin can now be installed from github, which is the easiest way to keep it up to date.
script/plugin install git://
Alternatively you can install it in vendors/plugin. At first, you need too download file from github. And then, place that file under the 'vendors/plugin' of your project.
And then, you must add below codes to controller's functions which you want to use :
# パジネーションの為に
@page = params[:page]
# 最初(さいしょ)パージを検証(けんしょう)?
@next = (@page == nil ? 2 : (@page.to_i+1))
# rows par page
@par_page = 5
@count = @books.length
@var = ElixirPaginate.paginate(@page, @count, @par_page)
At the view page, you need to add below codes. Put your controller at the place of 'your_controller' :
<!-- link the stylesheet -->
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'pagination' %>
<!-- to show the page numbers -->
<div class="pagination">
<!-- パージ番号を表示 -->
<% if @next > 2 %>
<%= link_to '<<', :controller => 'your_controller', :page => @next-2, :author => params[:author] %>
<% end %>
<% for i in 1..@var[0] %>
<%= link_to i, :controller => 'your_controller', :page => i, :author => params[:author] %><% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @next < @var[0]+1 %>
<%= link_to '>>', :controller => 'your_controller', :page => @next, :author => params[:author] %>
<% end %>
<!-- To show the list -->
<% @your_identifier[@var[1],@par_page].each do |f| %>
your codes here
<% end %>
Copyright (c) 2013 Thant Shwe Aung, released under the MIT license