An Ubuntu based docker image that contains a combination of useful tools for setting up and maintaining a Kubernetes container platform on AWS EKS with terraform. Automated built docker images are provided at
Tool | Version | Description |
helm | 2.11.0 | Package manager for Kubernetes |
kubectl | 1.11.9 | Kubectl used to administrate the K8S cluster |
aws-iam-authenticator | 1.11.9 | IAM authentication utility offers a secure proxy for authenticating kubectl to K8S cluster |
terraform | 0.12.3 | Terraform |
AWS CLI | 1.16.70 | AWS commandline tools for managing simple infrastructure tasks |
python | 2.7.15-rc1-1 | Useful scripting language and also a common prerequisite for many other tools |
pip | 18.1 | Python package manager used to install many libraries and other tools i.e. aws-cli |
git | Git | |
curl | Curl is only installed in all branches starting from k8s1.13.7 on | |
openjdk-11-jre | OpenJDK 11 Runtime - only installed if tag includes -jre11 |
Master branch may not be stable all the time due to ongoing development activitites. Therefore it is recommended to use branches that are bound to fixed versions of the tools.
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.19
- kubectl 1.13.7 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.13.7
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.12.19
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.8
- kubectl 1.13.7 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.13.7
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.12.8
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.6
- kubectl 1.13.7 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.13.7
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.12.6
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.3
- kubectl 1.13.7 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.13.7
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.12.3
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.10
- kubectl 1.13.7 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.13.7
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.11.10
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.3
- kubectl 1.11.9 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.9
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.12.3
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.0
- kubectl 1.11.9 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.9
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.12.0
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.14
- kubectl 1.11.9 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.9
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.11.14
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.13
- kubectl 1.11.9 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.9
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.11.13
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.10
- kubectl 1.11.9 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.9
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.11.10
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.5-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.13
- kubectl 1.11.5 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.5
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.11.13
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.5-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.11
- kubectl 1.11.5 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.5
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.11.11
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.5-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.10
- kubectl 1.11.5 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.11.5
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.11.10
docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.10.3-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.10
- kubectl 1.10.3 with aws-iam-authenticator 1.10.3
- Helm 2.11.0
- Terraform 0.11.10