Takes a java spring boot application running in cloud foundry and stages an adjacent natively-compiled implementation, mapped to the same ingress route as the original.
Script will download the 'jar' archive from the platform before re-pushing it for staging with the native image buildpack.
- Compile/package spring boot app with the '-Pnative' flag, including the graalvm maven dependency
mvn clean package -Pnative
- Push to cloud foundry as a 'normal' staged JIT compiled application
cf push <appName>
- Trigger script to co-deploy native optimized implementation
cf-java-optimizer.sh <appName>
uses name of deployed application to locate and download the unstaged 'jar' archive
pushes the jar to be staged with the native image buildpack, under a name of '-native'
scales memory down to just 32MB (8GB provided for native image compilation stager task)
maps native app to same route as original application
- Script to push an application directly to TAS as a native image
- Pushes the app, sets required BP* env-vars, resizes app after successful stage.
cf-npush.sh <app-name> <ingress-domain> <path-to-jar> <memory to allocate (eg 32M)>
cf-npush.sh tdemo mycfdomain.com ./samples/tdemo/target/tdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 32M
What if I want to levergage an isolation segment for staging native images, providing cpu isolation and perhaps higher-cpu diego cells to optimize the compilation efforts. Stage applications natively in isolated high-cpu org/space then copy staged droplet to production org/space.
- Script to copy a staged app from current org/space to new org/space
cf-copy-staged-app.sh <app name> <target org> <target space> <new app hostname> <target copy memory>
(Modify app-name/hostname in 'deploy-demos.sh' and run to auto-deploy both demos and JIT and native compiled implementations)
Hello world (tdemo) rest app and "Customer-Profile" spring data jpa sample applications included.
- compile/package and 'cf push' sample application
pushd samples/tdemo
mvn clean package -Pnative
cf push tdemo -p ./target/tdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- setup a loop testing the application endpoint
while true; do sleep 2 && curl https://tdemo.<app-domain>; done
- trigger optimizer script to parallel deploy a memory optimized instance on same route
./cf-java-optimizer.sh tdemo
- 5-10minutes later the client will show responses being load-balanced across the JIT and natively compiled instances of the application. The native version will be running in just 32mb
- create 'customer-database' instance of postgres service
cf create-service postgres <plan-name> customer-database
- Deploy 'customer-profile' application
pushd samples/Customer-Profile
mvn clean package -Pnative
cf push customer-profile --no-start
cf bind-service customer-profile customer-database
cf start customer-profile
- Run a create operation on the data-service
curl https://customer-profile.<cf-domain>/api/customer-profiles -X POST -d '{"firstName":"Joe","lastName":"Soap","email":"a@b.com"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
- Setup looping read api request
while true ; do sleep 5 && curl -s https://customer-profile.<cf-domain>/api/customer-profiles | jq . ; done
- run experimental optimizer script to deploy java native version of service, bound to same database, exposed on same route using just 128MB allocated memory.
./experimental/cf-java-optimizer-app-with-bindings.sh customer-profile
- Results in dual implementations of the rest service, bound to same database instance, and ingress route.
- NOTE: beta cnb-buildpack cannot directly bind to services "vcap_services" env-var in platform.. workaround uses custom launch command to create a spring_datasource_url env-var with value from vcap_services in the custom launch command.