This is the codebase for, a tool for HearthStone players to browse and filter all the cards in the game.
grunt serve
to run the local server for testing. -
grunt continous-test
to run unit tests using karma/jasmine/phantomjs. This runs the test continuously in the background as you make changes to scripts/tests. -
grunt test
to run unit tests once. -
grunt build
to build the project. This creates/dist
which contains the deployable site. -
grunt release
to run unit test, build, and deploy the project to S3. -
Project is now hosted by Github pages. To release run
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages
after build.
- Add tooltip next to search bar to contain example search queries
- Support col-xxs-* to have a 1 column layout for phones:
- Figure out how to separate out card type with card text. "mech" returns all mech types, but no card with "mech" in the card text.
- Support 'by' keyword. "1 mana spell by class"
- Support ranges. ">9 mana minions" or "1-3 attack minions"
- Support 'or'. "hunter or neutral" to show all collectable cards for hunter
- Search for synergies? Maybe use data from
- Support file versioning on images and other static assets. This would allow to cache images on CloudFront/browser indefinitely
- gzip files to further reduce cost