Active Directory bridging toolset
AD integration client
Active Directory integration bridging toolset command line tool.
adsysctl COMMAND [flags]
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-h, --help help for adsysctl
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Print last applied GPOs for current or given user/machine
Alias of "policy applied"
adsysctl applied [USER_NAME] [flags]
-a, --all show overridden rules in each GPOs.
--details show applied rules in addition to GPOs.
-h, --help help for applied
--no-color don't display colorized version.
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Generates bash completion scripts
To load completion run
. <(adsysctl completion)
To configure your bash shell to load completions for each session add to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile:
. <(adsysctl completion)
adsysctl completion [flags]
-h, --help help for completion
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
adsysctl doc [CHAPTER] [flags]
-d, --dest string Write documentation file(s) to this directory.
-f, --format string Format type (markdown, raw or html). (default "markdown")
-h, --help help for doc
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Policy management
adsysctl policy COMMAND [flags]
-h, --help help for policy
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Dump windows policy definitions
adsysctl policy admx lts-only|all [flags]
--distro string distro for which to retrieve policy definition. (default "Ubuntu")
-h, --help help for admx
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Print last applied GPOs for current or given user/machine
adsysctl policy applied [USER_NAME] [flags]
-a, --all show overridden rules in each GPOs.
--details show applied rules in addition to GPOs.
-h, --help help for applied
--no-color don't display colorized version.
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Updates/Create a policy for current user or given user with its kerberos ticket
adsysctl policy update [USER_NAME KERBEROS_TICKET_PATH] [flags]
-a, --all all updates the policy of the computer and all the logged in users. -m or USER_NAME/TICKET cannot be used with this option.
-h, --help help for update
-m, --machine machine updates the policy of the computer.
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Service management
adsysctl service COMMAND [flags]
-h, --help help for service
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Print service logs
adsysctl service cat [flags]
-h, --help help for cat
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Print service status
adsysctl service status [flags]
-h, --help help for status
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Requests to stop the service once all connections are done
adsysctl service stop [flags]
-f, --force force will shut it down immediately and drop existing connections.
-h, --help help for stop
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Updates/Create a policy for current user or given user with its kerberos ticket
Alias of "policy update"
adsysctl update [USER_NAME KERBEROS_TICKET_PATH] [flags]
-a, --all all updates the policy of the computer and all the logged in users. -m or USER_NAME/TICKET cannot be used with this option.
-h, --help help for update
-m, --machine machine updates the policy of the computer.
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Returns version of client and service
adsysctl version [flags]
-h, --help help for version
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
AD integration daemon
Active Directory integration bridging toolset daemon.
adsysd COMMAND [flags]
-D, --ad-domain string AD domain to use. Empty to let ADSys parsing sssd.conf.
-S, --ad-server string URL of the Active Directory server. Empty to let ADSys parsing sssd.conf.
--cache-dir string directory where ADsys caches GPOs downloads and policies. (default "/var/cache/adsys")
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-h, --help help for adsysd
--run-dir string directory where ADsys stores transient information erased on reboot. (default "/run/adsys")
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds without activity before the service exists. 0 for no timeout. (default 120)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Generates bash completion scripts
To load completion run
. <(adsysd completion)
To configure your bash shell to load completions for each session add to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile:
. <(adsysd completion)
adsysd completion [flags]
-h, --help help for completion
-D, --ad-domain string AD domain to use. Empty to let ADSys parsing sssd.conf.
-S, --ad-server string URL of the Active Directory server. Empty to let ADSys parsing sssd.conf.
--cache-dir string directory where ADsys caches GPOs downloads and policies. (default "/var/cache/adsys")
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
--run-dir string directory where ADsys stores transient information erased on reboot. (default "/run/adsys")
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds without activity before the service exists. 0 for no timeout. (default 120)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Returns version of service and exits
adsysd version [flags]
-h, --help help for version
-D, --ad-domain string AD domain to use. Empty to let ADSys parsing sssd.conf.
-S, --ad-server string URL of the Active Directory server. Empty to let ADSys parsing sssd.conf.
--cache-dir string directory where ADsys caches GPOs downloads and policies. (default "/var/cache/adsys")
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
--run-dir string directory where ADsys stores transient information erased on reboot. (default "/run/adsys")
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds without activity before the service exists. 0 for no timeout. (default 120)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Hidden commands
Those commands are hidden from help and should primarily be used by the system or for debugging.
Debug various policy infos
adsysctl policy debug [flags]
-h, --help help for debug
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output
Write GPO list python embeeded script in current directory
adsysctl policy debug gpolist-script [flags]
-h, --help help for gpolist-script
-c, --config string use a specific configuration file
-s, --socket string socket path to use between daemon and client. Can be overridden by systemd socket activation. (default "/run/adsysd.sock")
-t, --timeout int time in seconds before cancelling the client request when the server gives no result. 0 for no timeout. (default 30)
-v, --verbose count issue INFO (-v), DEBUG (-vv) or DEBUG with caller (-vvv) output