This repository contains Terraform configuration files for provisioning resources on Amazon Web Services(AWS) dedicated to support Mirantis products.
Before you begin, ensure that you have the following:
- Terraform installed on your local machine
- AWS account and project set up
module "provision" {
source = "terraform-mirantis-modules/provision-aws/mirantis"
name =
common_tags = local.tags
// network information
network =
subnets = var.subnets
// pass in a mix of nodegroups with the platform information
nodegroups = { for k, ngd in local.nodegroups_wplatform : k => {
ami : ngd.ami
count : ngd.count
type : ngd.type
keypair_id : module.key.keypair_id
root_device_name : ngd.root_device_name
volume_size : ngd.volume_size
role : ngd.role
public : ngd.public
user_data : ngd.user_data
} }
ingresses = local.launchpad_ingresses # see
securitygroups = local.launchpad_securitygroups # see
If you want to see full example, check the examples folder.
This project is licensed under the [MIT License].