StarUML : Add UUID as tag to elements. Copy and Select elements by their UUID
JavaScript UpdatedAug 4, 2024 -
Extension for StarUML which permits the user to change the font size in the markdown sections and other elements.
StarUML-SetPixelsRatio Public
StarUML Extensions ► Enabling users to set their own device pixels ratio for exporting diagrams in different resolutions.
StarUML-ModelIdCopyAndSelect Public
StarUML Extension ► Model Id : Copy And Select
StarUML-LastAlign Public
StarUML Extension ► Last Align. It can be used to align elements based on the last selected.
vp-cpp-template Public
C++ & Python project template using my libraries (CECS / CCEXP / MVECTOR / PThreadPool / vkpLibs) for Win and Ubuntu
CCEXP Public
Open source C++ Utility for easy and organized data export/import, of almost any type of data (using C++ templates) to other platforms like MatLab, Octave, Python etc for data analysis or data shar…
my-dev-games Public
A folder containing the executables of my own developed games.... Have fun!
Roff UpdatedNov 19, 2022 -
CECS Public
CECS (C/C++ Error Control System) is a pure C libary, with C++ support, for textual informative error control. Errors, Warnings or Info that is recording during runtime can be traced back to the fi…
vkp-mindmap-data Public
Acquired information from books, audibles, courses etc organized in Mind-Maps as personal notes and freely shared. All rights reserved.
Other UpdatedApr 25, 2022 -
vkp_Config Public
vkp_Config is a C++ easy to use library on order to read different variables from config text files and parse them automatically to standrad variable/objects types.
PThreadPool Public
pthreads Thread Pool library in C++
MVECTOR can be used to allocate/deallocate memory, with std::vector<> alike syntax and a bit mofidied behaviour.
Template-TeX-SoftDevReport Public
LaTex Template for Software Development, Technical and Research Reports.
TeX UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
ComputeLibrary Public
Forked from ARM-software/ComputeLibraryPersonal Windows-10 modifications in order to compile: The ARM Computer Vision and Machine Learning library is a set of functions optimised for both ARM CPUs and GPUs using SIMD technologies.
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 22, 2018 -
Mali_OpenCL_SDK Public