It seems that it cannot install python3-virutalenv because it doesn't exist (raspberry pi docker image).
It is in the Ubuntu repository though.
I added RUN apt search virtualenv into the dockerfile, seems that python-virtualenv should be used instead?
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dh-virtualenv/trusty 0.6-1 all
wrap and build python packages using virtualenv
python-tox/trusty-updates 1.6.0-1ubuntu1 all
virtualenv-based automation of test activities
python-virtualenv/trusty-updates 1.11.4-1ubuntu1 all
Python virtual environment creator
virtualenv-clone/trusty 0.2.4-1 all
script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv
virtualenvwrapper/trusty 4.1.1-1 all
extension to virtualenv for managing multiple virtual Python environments
I fixed the install_deb_packages but now it aborted instead of installing the files (like it'd press n instead of y)
This was because I had a separate command and adding -y fixed that.
The pip injstallation script is completely messed up, too.
- It uses python3.4
- The wrong get-pip script is downloaded.