use case:
Want to generate code to Angular flavour using components from the package @angular/material, the pattern of angular libs tagnames is dash-case, so i'm declaring a ProjectUIDL with this as one of the children page
"type": "element",
"content": {
"elementType": "mat-autocomplete",
"referencedStyles": {},
"abilities": {},
"children": [],
"semanticType": "mat-autocomplete",
"dependency": {
"type": "package",
"version": "latest",
"path": "@angular/material",
"meta": {
"namedImport": true,
"originalName": "MatAutocompleteModule"
but the tagname will always end as camelCase bcz it has an external dependency.
I understand that for other flavours this behaviour makes sense, but it's broken to angular, shoudn't have a flag or something to fix this?