IoT Agent Node Lib version the issue has been seen with
Bound or port used (API interaction)
Southbound (Devices data API)
NGSI version
Are you running a container?
Yes, I am using a contaner (Docker, Kubernetes...)
Image type
Expected behaviour you didn't see
The measure should be updated in orion CB.
Unexpected behaviour you saw
The payload is not filled.
The iotagent takes only all static_attributes when I have active attribute with object_id: '.'
in this format.
this fails
name: 'psBatteryVoltage',
type: 'Number',
object_id: '.'
this works
name: 'psBatteryVoltage',
type: 'Number',
object_id: 'psBattery'
Steps to reproduce the problem
curl -iX POST 'http://localhost:5004/iot/json?k=<API_KEY>&i=device001
-d '{
".": 23.5
in this case the payload is filled by static_attributes only.
- "IOTA_CB_HOST=orion"
- "IOTA_CB_PORT=1026"
- "IOTA_MONGO_HOST=mongodb"
- "IOTA_MONGO_DB=iotagent-json"
- "IOTA_PROVIDER_URL=http://iot-agent:4041"
Log output
time=2024-06-20T09:48:28.428Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.Request | msg=Options: {
iot-agent | "url": "http://orion:1026/v2/entities?options=upsert",
iot-agent | "method": "POST",
iot-agent | "headers": {
iot-agent | "fiware-service": "service",
iot-agent | "fiware-servicepath": "/"
iot-agent | },
iot-agent | "json": {
iot-agent | "id": "urn:ngsild:device:4242",
iot-agent | "type": "device",
iot-agent | "project": {
iot-agent | "type": "Text",
iot-agent | "value": "1",
iot-agent | "metadata": {
iot-agent | "TimeInstant": {
iot-agent | "type": "DateTime",
iot-agent | "value": "2024-06-20T09:48:28.428Z"
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | },
iot-agent | "model": {
iot-agent | "type": "Text",
iot-agent | "value": "device",
iot-agent | "metadata": {
iot-agent | "TimeInstant": {
iot-agent | "type": "DateTime",
iot-agent | "value": "2024-06-20T09:48:28.428Z"
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | },
iot-agent |
iot-agent | "isPhysical": {
iot-agent | "type": "Boolean",
iot-agent | "value": true,
iot-agent | "metadata": {
iot-agent | "TimeInstant": {
iot-agent | "type": "DateTime",
iot-agent | "value": "2024-06-20T09:48:28.428Z"
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | "TimeInstant": {
iot-agent | "type": "DateTime",
iot-agent | "value": "2024-06-20T09:48:28.428Z"
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | }
iot-agent | time=2024-06-20T09:48:28.437Z | lvl=DEBUG | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.Request | msg=Response ""
iot-agent | time=2024-06-20T09:48:28.437Z | lvl=INFO | corr=n/a | trans=n/a | op=IoTAgentNGSI.Entities-v2 | msg=Received the following response from the CB: Value updated successfully