twitch_api_public Public
Simple PHP Twitch API Gateway that only requires the user/channel name to return data
raspi-streamer Public
Capture and stream to any RTMP endpoint using a Raspberry Pi
twitch_clips_player Public
OBS overlay that automatically plays clips from Twitch. Clips can be random or in the order they were created.
twitch_shoutout Public
Twitch Shout out command. !so channelname. This will display a random clip and say a shout out message in chat.
twitch_alerts_kiosk Public
Displays Twitch subs, cheers, emotes in a kiosk mode browser
HTML UpdatedSep 28, 2024 -
owncast_vods Public
Display previous owncast streams
owncast_stream_recorder Public
Automatically record your Owncast stream when you go live.
Shell UpdatedSep 10, 2024 -
vdo.ninja Public
Forked from steveseguin/vdo.ninjaVDO.Ninja is a powerful tool that lets you bring remote video feeds into OBS or other studio software via WebRTC.
JavaScript Other UpdatedAug 3, 2024 -
twitch_tts_linux Public
Uses spd-say and tmi.js to speak a chat message with !tts hello, this is my message
JavaScript UpdatedJun 18, 2024 -
owncast_chat_bot Public
Owncast chat alerts with video, images, sounds
twitch_chat_alerts Public
Twitch chat alerts overlay. Supports chat commands, sound alerts, video alerts, gifs, shout-outs, random chat messages
twitch_chat_emotes Public
Twitch chat bot / OBS overlay that displays animated chat emotes
twitch-chat-overlay-starter Public
Twitch chat overlay using TMI.js. Basics needed for creating your own custom chat overlay.
twitch_giphy_overlay Public
This will allow Twitch chat to use a custom command like: "!giphy cats". It will then search giphy for "cats" and display a random image from the results.
twitch_queue Public
Twitch: Add users to a queue when a specific command is used. ie: !play, !request. The users name and avatar will display in the overlay in the order they were said in chat.
LynkSpace Public
CMS that is built for Libraries (School Systems, Public, Multi-Branch). Includes ILS integration, Hot Titles, Catalog Search. Requires: Linux, Apache, PHP 7, MySQL. A Light, Simple, Flexible Conten…
twitch_chat_nes Public
Twitch plays NES. Allow your Twitch chat to control an NES game running in OBS as a browser source. !u, !d, !l, !r
twitch_fart_bot Public
OBS overlay for OBS. This listens for the !fart chat command and plays a random fart sound.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 29, 2022 -
twitch_chat_highlight Public
Highlight Twitch chat messages and have them appear in an overlay.
twitch_emote_effects Public
This is a Twitch browser source overlay that displays multiple emotes on screen with an explosion effect, similar to fireworks
chat_ban_bot Public
Web based Twitch ban bot to help Twitch streamers auto ban followers and chat users that have names containing the specified keywords
JavaScript UpdatedMar 22, 2022 -
twitch_chat_forwarder Public
Send Twitch chat from one account to another
password-generator Public
Forked from devloop01/password-generatorRandom Password Generator Tool
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 15, 2022 -
twitch_chatbot_overlay Public
Twitch overlay that displays messages from your chat bot. Includes animations and gifs that change when the bot says something in chat.
xbox_backup_script Public
Bash script that will FTP to your modded Xbox and backup the partitions to a computer, NAS or other mount.
Shell UpdatedNov 25, 2021 -
cloudflare-dns-updater Public
Update your IP for your domain names using Cloudflare API v4
PHP UpdatedOct 6, 2019