Train and analyze different types of models for semi-supervised learning. Contains implementations for logistic regression, linear VAE, convolutional VAE, M1 model and Prediction-constrained VAE. Currently supports MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.
Built by Harvey Mudd college students mentored by Prof. Gabriel Hope! Students: Rohan Subramanian, Sahil Rane, Saheli Patel
If you want to run this code, clone the repository into your own directory on the teapot server.
Next, create a virtual environment (most probably in the same directory as your cloned repository). You can also use conda or Docker.
python3.11 -m venv /path_to_your_cloned_repo/env
Then, activate the environment using source env/bin/activate
Install the requirements using You can install requirements using
pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
You will probably run into to issues installing PyTorch. Visit the Pytorch website to find the distribution matching your system. For the teapot server it should be:
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url --no-cache-dir
Install any other packages that failed using pip
. Do not forget the --no-cache-dir
flag, as it prevents a copy of the packages from being backed up in your home directory. If you do forget and get I/O errors due to no memory, run rm -rf ~/.cache/pip
Now you can try training some models.
You should run the scripts from the root directory of the repository. You may have to run this command first:
export PYTHONPATH="/path_to_your_cloned_repo:$PYTHONPATH"
Example: python3 scripts/ --config scripts/configs/config-vae-mnist.json
Make your own config file to edit training. Training is logged to Tensorboard. You can launch Tensorboard in your browser using one of the following commands:
tensorboard --logdir=logs
python3 -m tensorboard.main --logdir=logs
You can specify to save a model then load the saved model later.
Make your own branch to code up new models or features and submit pull requests as needed.
We have a Weights and Biases project to log important runs: Use wandb disabled
to turn off logging when testing.