A simple RESTful API for tracking expenses using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and JWT authentication. Users can securely add and view their own expenses.
- User Authentication – Register & Login using JWT
- Secure Routes – Only authenticated users can add/view expenses
- Expense Management – Add, view all, and view user-specific expenses
- MongoDB Integration – Uses Mongoose to store expenses and users
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB (Mongoose ORM)
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Validation: Joi (for request validation)
POST /api/users/register
– Register a new userPOST /api/users/login
– Login and get a token
POST /api/expenses/add
– Add a new expense (Auth required)GET /api/expenses
– Get all expenses (Auth required)GET /api/expenses/my-expenses
– Get expenses added by the logged-in user (Auth required)
Clone the repository, install dependencies, set up environment variables.
sh git clone https://github.com/your-username/expense-tracker-api.git cd expense-tracker-api
npm install
Create a .env file in the project root and add:
Run the server:
npm start