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Rock Paper Scissors

The Big Bang Theory Game! is a site with a simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game. Using simple gestures this game suits everyone from ages 5 and up.

It provides the rules of the game, and buttons to select your choice during play. Users will compete against the completely random selection of the computer, ensuring a fair result.

Screens mockup


Existing Features Rock, Paper, Scissors, Heading and Sub-Heading

Featured at the top of the page, the big bang theory game heading is easy to see for the user. Upon viewing the page, the user will be able to see the name of the site, and directly below it the name of the game they are about to play. Heading and sub-heading

Rules Area

This section has a short explanation of the simple rules of the game. It includes an image as a visual aid. Rules area

The Game Area

This section will allow the user to play the rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock game. The user will easily see the three buttons and choose one to select. Games area

Results Area

This section will show the player selection, computer selection, and the resulting winner. Results area

The Score Area

This section is placed within the footer. It will allow the user to an updating tally of both the player and computer scores. Score area

Features Left to Implement

-Future Ideas

In the future I would like to add a function to end the game after either the player score or computer score reaches ten points, declare an overall winner, then reset the game. A score table could be added so players could log their scores. Testing

Validator Testing


No errors were returned in the problem area html validation test


No errors were found in the problem area css validation test


No errors were found in the problem area The following metrics were returned:

  • There are 7 functions in this file.
  • Function with the largest signature takes 2 arguments, while the median is 0.
  • Largest function has 20 statements in it, while the median is 2.
  • The most complex function has a cyclomatic complexity value of 19 while the median is 1.
  • There are 12 warnings.

Functionality testing

I used Chrome developer tools throughout the project for testing and solving problems.

Compatibility testing

Site was tested across multiple virtual mobile devices. I checked all supported devices in Chrome developer tools. Site was tested on several browsers including Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari and Firefox. I tested on hardware devices such as: Samsung galaxy a32, macbook pro, HP windows laptop and desktop. I tested the colors and fonts chosen on lighthouse in chrome devtools to make sure they were easy to read.

Bugs Can't seem to get the choice done.


The site was deployed to GitHub pages. The steps to deploy are as follows:

  1. Open the repository on GitHub
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab
  3. Select the Pages tab on left-hand side
  4. From the source section drop-down menu, select the Main Branch, and save
  5. Once the main branch has been saved, the page will be automatically refreshed with a detailed ribbon display to indicate the successful deployment
  6. It may be necessary to refresh the page to view the live link
  7. The live link can be found here -

To run localy:

  • Log in to GitHub and click on repository to download
  • Select Code and click Download the ZIP file.
  • After download you can extract the file and use it in your local environment
  • Alternatively you can Clone or Fork this repository lets-play into your github account.

Technologies used

HTML5 As a structure language.

CSS As a style language.

Javascript As a programming language.

background color: rgb(233, 248, 233) font colors: rgb(18, 4, 110), and orangered footer color: white button colors: red, darkred, yellow, darkorange, green, darkgreen, blue, darkblue, brown, darkorange and white.


As a main font I used Raleway, and as a backup font serif


Credits -To complete this project I used Code Institute student template: gitpod full template


  • The font-family Raleway was taken from Google Fonts Google Fonts
  • The icons were taken from Font Awesome Media
  • The image in the rules area was taken from this link


The code for the basic html structure, button css styling, and the increment score function was taken from Code Institute's Love Running walkthrough project, with alterations made to fit my own project.

The code for the play game function was taken from a Code Institute tutorial. This project is for educational purposes and can not be used as a template for a business use.