Note: This project is part of the Baumblick application, which is in demo mode since 2024-07-01. The tileserver implemented in this repository is therefore shut down.
This project is a pipeline to generate vector tiles based on a PGSQL Database. It uses gdal, tippecanoe and mbtileserver to generate and serve vector tiles. It is a part of the project.
The pipeline consist of three parts. The
- The base image Dockerfile.base installs all the dependencies and tools needed to generate the vector tiles and serve them
- The step in a GitHub Action generate.yml generates the vector tiles and pushes them to a S3 bucket (uses the base image)
- The tileserver hosted on Dockerfile.server builds a docker image that downloads the generated .pbf from AWS S3 and serves the vector tiles (uses the base image)
- Docker
- Postgres DB (also included in docker-compose.override.yml)
- Account
- AWS S3 Bucket
Local development is hard when trying to build ci pipelines. Happens mostly in the cloud on GitHub Actions. You could try nektos/act to run this locally.
cd path/to/repo
docker compose up -d
Currently the tests only check if the images can be built and if the mbtileserver
can be started.
cd path/to/repo
docker-compose up -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.test.yml
Made by
A project by
Supported by
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Fabian Morón Zirfas 💻 🎨 🤔 🚇 |
juan-carlos-tsb 💻 🎨 👀 🤔 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!