URL leads to a 404
Expected Behavior
I changed eth0 to enp1s0 in groupvars/all.yml
Deployment should now run on my 3 target servers.
Current Behavior
The ansible playbook site.yml fails at this step:
TASK [k3s_server : Validating arguments against arg spec 'main' - Setup k3s servers] *************************************
task path: /root/k3s-ansible/site.yml:38
fatal: []: FAILED! =>
msg: '{{ ''--flannel-iface='' + flannel_iface if calico_iface is not defined and cilium_iface is not defined else '''' }} --node-ip={{ k3s_node_ip }}: {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ''--flannel-iface='' + flannel_iface if calico_iface is not defined and cilium_iface is not defined else '''' }} --node-ip={{ k3s_node_ip }}: {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object''
has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0'''
fatal: []: FAILED! =>
msg: '{{ ''--flannel-iface='' + flannel_iface if calico_iface is not defined and cilium_iface is not defined else '''' }} --node-ip={{ k3s_node_ip }}: {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ''--flannel-iface='' + flannel_iface if calico_iface is not defined and cilium_iface is not defined else '''' }} --node-ip={{ k3s_node_ip }}: {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object''
has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0'''
fatal: []: FAILED! =>
msg: '{{ ''--flannel-iface='' + flannel_iface if calico_iface is not defined and cilium_iface is not defined else '''' }} --node-ip={{ k3s_node_ip }}: {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ''--flannel-iface='' + flannel_iface if calico_iface is not defined and cilium_iface is not defined else '''' }} --node-ip={{ k3s_node_ip }}: {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0''. {{ ansible_facts[(cilium_iface | default(calico_iface | default(flannel_iface)))][''ipv4''][''address''] }}: ''dict object''
has no attribute ''eth0''. ''dict object'' has no attribute ''eth0'''
Steps to Reproduce
- changed flannel_iface: eth0 > flannel_iface: enp1s0
- ran deployment playbook.
Context (variables)
Operating system: Ubuntu 24.04
Hardware: Virtual Machines running on KVM (virtman) installed on Fedora Silverblue (testing environment on my local laptop).
Variables Used
k3s_version: "v1.30.2+k3s2"
ansible_user: NA
systemd_dir: "/etc/systemd/system"
flannel_iface: "enp1s0"
#calico_iface: "eth0"
calico_ebpf: "false"
calico_cidr: "cluster_cidr:"
calico_tag: "v3.28.0"
apiserver_endpoint: ""
k3s_token: "NA"
extra_server_args: ">-
{{ extra_args }}
{{ '--node-taint' if k3s_master_taint else '' }}
{% if calico_iface is defined or cilium_iface is defined %}
--cluster-cidr={{ cluster_cidr | default('') }}
{% endif %}
--tls-san {{ apiserver_endpoint }}
--disable servicelb
--disable traefik
extra_agent_args: ">-
{{ extra_args }}
"--kubelet-arg node-status-update-frequency=5s""
kube_vip_tag_version: "v0.8.2"
#kube_vip_cloud_provider_tag_version: "main"
#kube_vip_lb_ip_range: ""
metal_lb_speaker_tag_version: "v0.14.8"
metal_lb_controller_tag_version: "v0.14.8"
metal_lb_ip_range: ""
# only required if proxmox_lxc_configure: true
# must contain all proxmox instances that have a master or worker node
# [proxmox]
Possible Solution
- I've checked the General Troubleshooting Guide
No labels