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A minimal in-memory cache backed by a datastore of your choice.

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A minimal in-memory cache backed by a datastore of your choice.


  • Why another in-memory cache now?

    Fair question that. After all, there's nothing new under the sun. The primary push, is to have the developer in me not die, amidst all the JIRAs that move me away from comfort zones.

  • So, is that all? No valid reasons?

    Won't quite jump that direction, yet. I had a specific use case of our applications using node-cache but not handling some parts that come home often.

  • Are there no alternatives?

    To be honest, there is nothing new under the sun, again. But, what's a developer who doesn't want their own implementation? Jokes aside, while node-cache provides a good set of APIs to access the in-memory cache, it is not backed. Not to mention, some concerns we have specific to our stack.

  • Well, what are they?

    Considering some cases where our processes reboot, this becomes an awkward space to be in. A good choice then, would be to have the existing in-memory cache work with process.on and SIGINT/SIGTERM, but no side-cars here, apparently.

    Add to it, the flexibility such a cache would provide in becoming a terminator, shouting I'm back .

  • So, does it cover the rest of the APIs that node-cache or alternatives provide?

    No, not yet. It is as basic as it gets, at the moment. A setter with a fluent API that doubles as a delete, a getter, and an entire cache retrieval is what it supports at the top level API. flush, stats, and QoL APIs, are things I'd like over time.


  • get(key)
  • set(key, value, expiryInMS)
  • values
  • stats



const cacheName = 'emcache'
let cache = new EmCache({
  name: cacheName,
  inSink: null,
  outSink: null,
  syncOnSet: false

Set a key with an expiry.

cache.set('AMZ-1001', { name: 'Amazon', description: `Amazon test` }, 1000)

Set a key and chain another set operation.

  .set('AMZ-1001', { name: 'Amazon', description: `Amazon test` }, 1000)
  .set('FK-1002', { name: 'Flipkart', description: 'Flipkart shopping' })

Delete a key. Setting a null/undefined deletes the key.

const timer = setTimeout(() => {
  cache.set('AMZ-1001', null)  // DELETE operator
}, 3000)

Get the stats of a particular cache.

console.log(JSON.stringify(cache.stats, null, 1))
 "keys": {
  "count": 1,
  "keys": [
 "expiries": {}



The syncOnSet boolean parameter provides a way to continuously sync/flush the cache to a store.

Note: Use this parameter with caution since it introduces write time overheads.


The inSink parameter to the constructor provides a datasource to initialise the cache. This is a function that returns a data object that initialises the cache, like a redis hash.

If not provided, EmCache uses a caches file at the local path as a JSON serialised source.

  const { createClient } = require('redis');
  const client = createClient()
  async function inSink() {
    const data = await client.HGETALL(cacheName)
    // const data = JSON.parse(await client.GET(cacheName || '{}'))
    return data || {}
  let cache = new EmCache({
    name: cacheName,
    outSink: null


The outSink parameter to the constructor provides a datasource to flush the cache into, when the process exits, terminates, or is terminated. This is a function that pushes data to your backing store.

If not provided, EmCache uses a caches file at the local path as a JSON serialised source.

  const { createClient } = require('redis');
  const client = createClient()
  async function inSink() {
    const data = await client.HGETALL(cacheName)
    // const data = JSON.parse(await client.GET(cacheName || '{}'))
    return data || {}
  async function outSink(data) {
    await client.HMSET(cacheName, Object.entries(data))
    // await client.SET(cacheName, JSON.stringify(data))
  let cache = new EmCache({
    name: cacheName,


A minimal in-memory cache backed by a datastore of your choice.







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