I created Blackjack in Java using JOptionPane as my GUI and an ArrayList of card objects to simulate a deck of cards. The program follows the traditional rules of Blackjack where the dealer must draw to 16 and stand on all 17s.
$ java card
and the game should appear as a JOptionPane pop up and you will be able to play. Have fun!
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Card {
// constructors for the card object called by buildDeck
public Card()
public Card(String num, String suit)
// checks if one card is exactly the same as another card (suit and value)
public boolean equals(Object newCard)
// creates a unique deck of cards and shuffles them using a Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm where a loop iterates
// through every index in the ArrayList of the deck, swapping the current card with another random card.
public static void buildDeck(ArrayList<Card> deck)
// deals 4 cards, 2 to player, 2 to dealer
public static void initialDeal(ArrayList<Card> deck, ArrayList<Card> playerHand, ArrayList<Card> dealerHand)
// helper methods
public static void dealOne(ArrayList<Card> deck, ArrayList<Card> hand)
public static int getHandValue(ArrayList<Card> hand)
public static boolean checkBust(ArrayList<Card> hand)
public static boolean dealerTurn(ArrayList<Card> deck, ArrayList<Card> hand)
public static int whoWins(ArrayList<Card> playerHand, ArrayList<Card> dealerHand)
public static String displayCard(ArrayList<Card> hand)
public static String displayHand(ArrayList<Card> hand)
public static void clearHands(ArrayList<Card> playerHand, ArrayList<Card> dealerHand)
// using JOptionPane, display game with hit and stay options
public static void main(String[] args)