- sudo apt-get install tcpdump
- pip install --user scapy
- Set up the buttons with Amazon app but stop at the product configuration page
- interface mon0 in monitor mode. See https://github.com/seemoo-lab/nexmon
- sudo python amazondash_identify_new.py
- Press the button and its mac address will show up
- modify the file amazondash.py with the button mac adresses and the actions you want to trigger
- sudo python amazondash.py
Modify the file amazondash
sudo cp amazondash /etc/init.d/
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/amazondash
sudo update-rc.d amazondash defaults (sudo update-rc.d amazondash remove => remove auto start)
To start the service immediately : sudo service amazondash start
Mode completely offline: the button never connects to the internet. It requires a wifi interface in Monitor mode (mon0). Steps: Setup the button to your wifi to find the Mac address and then set it up to a fake wifi (like your phone AP). => Now the hack is completely invisible to Amazon