copy files/folder from your project root
Check that your .gitignore contains these lines (or
git pull
if not) :
/app/code/community/Sheep/Debug/ /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/sheep_debug.xml /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sheep_debug/ /app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/sheep_debug.xml /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/sheep_debug/ /app/etc/modules/Sheep_Debug.xml /skin/adminhtml/default/default/sheep_debug/ /skin/frontend/base/default/sheep_debug/ /Debug_README.md
magerun cache:clean
magerun sys:setup:run
to create thesheep_debug_report_info
database table ` -
to disable report storage in the the
database table, enable it with a GET parameter?nodbdebug=1
(ie :/index.php?nodbdebug=1
. It will keep being disabled until the session is gone or a?nodbdebug=0
parameter in GET
Pour désactiver temporairement la barre en cas de probleme (ca pourrait éviter étant donné que le modèle des produits/whishlist n'est plus du tout standard): commenter ou supprimer tout le contenu xml dans app/etc/modules/sheep_debug.xml et re-cleaner les cache : la barre sera plus chargée
The magento debug toolbar is a fork of madalinoprea/magneto-debug
no need of installation via modman. Just copy/paste files to your magento root path
Insert in database table
except on GET parameter ?nodbdebug=1, then the configuration is stored in session. You can also control in the Tools menu of the toolbar > Save Report in Db : Enable/Disable). It will have some side effects, like not displaying last/top request in the extended Panel of the toobar -
The dev toolbar now don't display a useless header
Management of current store URL in the toolbar links
Look for
to see all my changes -
Le block wishlist item n'est plus profilé, parce que ca faisait crasher le magento. le modele est mal surchargé et utilisé pour les dossiers de croisiere. Il y a une explication pour rajouter d'autres exceptions en cas de crash sur d'autres pages.
Vous devrez voir une barre sur donf noir en bas des pages. L'onglet le plus intéressant est celui permettant de voir le des blocks et layout. Il y a moyen d'activer du profiling en db.
Template Hints : Enable dans le menu a droite est bien pratique aussi pour voir le découpage des phtml et des blocks
This repository represents an extension for Magento 1.x that offers a developer debug toolbar. The idea came from robhudson's django-debug-toolbar. Latest version is based on Symfony's WebProfilerBundle UI.
- Request and Controller information: lists request attributes and controller that handled the request; captures request info for Ajax and POST requests
- Execution Timeline: shows execution timeline based on Varien Profiler timers
- Logs: shows log lines added to system and exception logs during a request
- Events: shows all events dispatched during request and observers that were called
- Database: lists all models and collections loaded during a request; when SQL profiler is enabled, lists all SQL queries executed and offers the ability to see their result or describe their execution plan
- E-mails: lists sent e-mails with preview
- Layout: outputs rendering tree, lists layout handlers loaded during current request and adds ability to see updated added by layout files to specific handle; offers information about instantiated and rendered blocks
- Configuration: lists available Magento modules with their status and their version; also offers the ability to enable/disable them
- Toolbar Tools: contains quick links to flush cache, enable template hints, enable SQL profiler, enable Varien Profiler, enable Magento Enterprise full page cache debug
Don't forget to check out screenshots gallery
Make sure you have Modman installed
Allow symlinks for the templates directory (required for installations via Modman)
- Use n98-magerun like pro:
n98-magerun.phar dev:symlinks
- Or just set 'Allow Symlinks' to 'Yes' from System - Configuration / Advanced / Developer / Template Settings
- Use n98-magerun like pro:
Install Debug Toolbar module:
cd [magento root folder]
modman init
modman clone https://github.com/madalinoprea/magneto-debug.git
- Flush Magento's cache
I'm pretty lazy and I don't like to create Magento Connect packages. With modman you can effortlessly grab latest changes from github.
cd [magento root folder]
modman update magneto-debug
- Flush Magento's cache
Lately, I've been more into composer and thanks to this project https://github.com/Cotya/magento-composer-installer you can use it for your Magento 1.x websites.
# Add package as requirement to composer.json
composer require madalinoprea/magneto-debug
# Clear cache and voila..
All released versions can be found on releases' page.
- Latest version: 1.6.2
- Fixes e-mail capture for Magento CE 1.7 and Magento EE 1.12 #75
Please don't be afraid to use issue tracker on GitHub to report issues, ideas or any feedback. Also I encourage you to send pull requests. I'll review them, change them a bit and make sure unit tests are ok (pedantic 👴).
My goal is to have weekly releases with some meaningful features. To stay focused I use a Scrum board that shows backlog, selected work for current interation and progress.
Hot fix versions are released as soon as possible, outside of our weekly release schedule and they are triggered by some 😿-astrophic issue.
Extension is (hopefully) successfully unit tested against PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5 and Magento CE 1.9, Magento CE 1.8, Magento CE 1.7 and their related Magento Enterprise versions.
If you would like to support it on another version let us know.
'Mage Registry key already exists' exception is raised after installation
Mage registry key "_singleton/debug/observer" already exists
is reported when cache regeneration was corrupted. Please try to flush Magento cache.
Doesn'work. I see these logs on
:Not valid template file:adminhtml/default/default/template/sheep_debug/toolbar.phtml
- If you installed the module using modman you've missed an important step. Search this page after 'Allow symlinks for the templates directory' and complete that step.
I can't see toolbar.
- Toolbar is displayed in these conditions:
- module is installed and enabled
- toolbar is enabled from Admin / System / Configuration / Advanced - Developer Debug Toolbar (by default it's enabled)
- Magento is running in developer mode (MAGE_IS_DEVELOPER_MODE) Or your ip is listed under under 'Developer Client Restrictions'
- Check that module name Sheep_Debug is installed and enabled
- Check that 'Allow Symlinks' configuration is enabled for Modman installation
- Toolbar is displayed in these conditions:
I can't see toolbar on specific page
- Toolbar is added to all pages that have a structural block named
. By default this block is available on all Magento pages. Eliminate a possible cache problem by disabling all caches. Try to determine if there are any customizations that have removedbefore_body_end
- Toolbar is added to all pages that have a structural block named