New serial number for HMS-2000-4T-NA inverter unknown #2488
What happened?
I have a new inverter with serial number starting 1420A02 which is detected as Unknown and not added as the correct model.
To Reproduce Bug
Add an inverter with this serial sequence
Expected Behavior
Expect Inverter to be added as detected model HMS-1600/1800/2000-4T
Install Method
Pre-Compiled binary from GitHub releases
What git-hash/version of OpenDTU?
What firmware variant (PIO Environment) are you using?
Relevant log/trace output
No response
Anything else?
No response
Please confirm the following
- I believe this issue is a bug that affects all users of OpenDTU, not something specific to my installation.
- I have already searched for relevant existing issues and discussions before opening this report.
- I have updated the title field above with a concise description.
- I have double checked that my inverter does not contain a W in the model name (like HMS-xxxW) as they are not supported.