- United Kingdom
- @g_taylor
npc-dialog-example-scene Public
Forked from decentraland-scenes/npc-dialog-example-sceneExample scene showing basic dialog interactions with NPCs.
TypeScript UpdatedMar 25, 2022 -
stripe-node Public
Forked from stripe/stripe-nodeNode.js library for the Stripe API.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 21, 2022 -
ui-kit Public
Forked from commercetools/ui-kitComponent library 💅
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2021 -
faker.js Public
Forked from zuriby/Faker.jsgenerate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 5, 2021 -
react-instantsearch Public
Forked from algolia/react-instantsearch⚡️ Lightning-fast search for React and React Native applications, by Algolia.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2021 -
PosenetRealtime Public
Forked from nicknochnack/PosenetRealtimeA real time pose estimation app using React and Tensorflow.JS
JavaScript UpdatedSep 6, 2020 -
react-native-css-modules Public
Forked from kristerkari/react-native-css-modulesStyle React Native components using CSS, PostCSS, Sass, Less or Stylus.
MIT License UpdatedAug 25, 2019 -
composer-sample-networks Public
Forked from hyperledger-archives/composer-sample-networksSample business network definitions for Composer
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 12, 2017 -
botauth Public
Forked from microsoftarchive/botauthAuthentication middleware for the botframework
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 10, 2017 -
learn-chaincode Public
Forked from IBM-Blockchain-Archive/learn-chaincodeLearn how to write chaincode.
auth0-react-sample Public
Forked from auth0-samples/auth0-react-sampleJavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 25, 2016 -
node-wit Public
Forked from wit-ai/node-witNode.js SDK for Wit.ai
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 13, 2016 -
f8app Public
Forked from fbsamples/f8appSource code of the official F8 app of 2016, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects.
JavaScript Other UpdatedMay 7, 2016 -
traefik Public
Forked from traefik/traefikTræfɪk, a modern reverse proxy
truffle Public
Forked from trufflesuite/truffleA development framework for Ethereum
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 29, 2016 -
mantl-kubernetes Public
Forked from CiscoCloud/kubernetes-ansibleInstall and configure Google Kubernetes on OpenStack
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 26, 2016 -
simple-docker-example Public
Dead simple Docker app. Serves a simple nodeJS web page with some environment variables from the container
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 18, 2016 -
hooked-web3-provider Public
Forked from ConsenSysMesh/hooked-web3-providerWeb3 provider that adds hooks for an external transaction signer
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 3, 2016 -
ethereumjs-accounts Public
Forked from SilentCicero/ethereumjs-accountsA simple module for creating, managing and using Ethereum accounts in browser.
vagrant-puppet-mesosphere Public
Spin up a Mesosphere cluster with Vagrant (Virtualbox / AWS / Digital Ocean)
angular-cart-demo Public
Forked from Capgemini/angular-cart-demoExample shopping cart application using MEAN stack (Mongo/ExpressJS/Angular/NodeJS)
JavaScript UpdatedDec 15, 2015 -
kubernetes Public
Forked from kubernetes/kubernetesContainer Cluster Manager from Google
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 1, 2015 -
beersample-java Public
Forked from couchbaselabs/beersample-javaA sample application for the Java SDK 1.1 and Couchbase Server 2.0
Java UpdatedJul 17, 2015 -
react-hot-boilerplate Public
Forked from gaearon/react-hot-boilerplateMinimal live-editing boilerplate for your next ReactJS project
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 15, 2015 -
atlas-terraform-github-tutorial Public
Forked from hashicorp/atlas-terraform-github-tutorialUpdatedMay 26, 2015 -
awesome-mesos Public
Forked from dharmeshkakadia/awesome-mesosEverything about Apache Mesos
UpdatedMay 8, 2015 -
microservices-infrastructure Public
Forked from mantl/mantlMicroservices infrastructure is a modern platform for rapidly deploying globally distributed services
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 28, 2015 -
ntiered-aws-docker-terraform-guide Public
Forked from airpair/ntiered-aws-docker-terraform-guideUpdatedMar 7, 2015 -
puppet-weave Public
Puppet module for installing and configuring Weave (https://github.com/zettio/weave)