I have used preprocessed data from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P_uFQcvVFf10TLxjIaFMfjto8ZHON-N2/view?usp=sharing which contains preprocessed training and validation data.
This is put to training using train.py
A trained model is saved and after evaluation, eval_sunrgbd folder contains results on validation data. You have to use 3 files from eval_sunrgbd folder from drive • **_pc.ply (It contains point clouds of input ) • *_pred_confident_nms_bbox.ply(It contains predicted bounding boxes) • *_pred_map_cls.txt (It contains information of class the output belongs to) Suppose in *_pred_map_cls.txt, it is written. 3 0--------0.9844583 3 0.35467-------277 1 3.55---0.45 here, 3,3 and 1 are class names from ['bed','table','sofa','chair','toilet','desk','dresser','night_stand','bookshelf','bathtub']
which means 3 is chair and 1 is table etc
Output is always a ply file and we can visualize it in Meshlab software.
test_run.py is set to take input stream of ply files from a folder and save corresponding results in a directory.
Google Drive containing all my project files used in google colab https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ScYig5Jx61cnWL7RnpE5L3qQyNgA_OiR?usp=sharing
training and validation datasets can be downloaded from the google drive located in /sunrgbd/sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_train and /sunrgbd/sunrgbd_pc_bbox_votes_50k_v1_val and place them in your sunrgbd folder to run a your host computer.
steps on google colab available in 3D_Object_Detection.ipynb
download and install cuda 10
go to pointnet2 directory
CUDA 10 Layers were compiled for the backbone network PointNet++ !python setup.py install
then go to /3d-object-detection folder and train model using this command !python train.py --log_dir log
test and evaluate with the checkpoint_sunrgbd.tar !python eval.py
you can also run demo by !python demo.py
Please Refer to the project paper here https://github.com/tayoshittu/3D-Object-Detection/blob/main/Deep%20Learning%20Approach%20To%20RGB-D%20Object%20Detection.pdf