The purpose of these utilities is to play video in-line on mobile devices.
The grunt task extractVideoFrames
uses ffmpeg to convert your videos to frames. Each frame is then read and converted to a base64 representation using the task framesToUri
, and all of the base64 frames are added a json file.
The JavaScript service CanvasVideo
processes the json file with base64 and paints the frames onto a canvas.
Place the videos you want to convert in: src/assets/video
Next, execute:
$ grunt extractVideo
To convert your images to frames and then:
$ grunt convertFrames
To convert your frames to dataURI in a json file. The resulting json files will appear in target/assets/data-uris/mobile
, this is configurable in the framesToUri
task in your Gruntfile
After you've converted your videos to json files with dataURI frames, you can use the CanvasVideo
service to play your videos.
var myCanvasVideo = new CanvasVideo(canvasElem, target/assets/data-uris/mobile/sample-video.json', options)
Options can be passed into the third parameter of the CanvasVideo
constructor. The options passed in will override the defaults:
frameRate: 30,
width: 400,
height: 300,
imageEncoding: 'png'
npm install
brew install ffmpeg
Converts video frames to PNG image sequences (THIS IS NOT DEFAULT BEHAVIOR, SEE BELOW "FFMPEG Minor Hack")
brew install graphicsmagick
Converts PNG image sequences to JPEG
By default, the node ffmpeg module issues the command to ffmpeg to convert the image sequences to JPEG's. This produces terribly quality, especially with high frame rates and resolution. Luckily this is easy to fix. This change must be implemented before use:
settings.file_name = path.basename(settings.file_name, path.extname(settings.file_name)) + '_%d.jpg';
Please change .jpg
to .png
To convert the Videos to dataURI, execute these commands (in order, whenever needed):
Compile all coffeescript and sass files, sync project files with target.
Extract video frames to PNG
grunt extractVideo
Create a copy of the frames, renaming them to retain order
grunt copy
Convert the frames to JPEG, compress to target resolutions (see responsive_images task), remove redundant data with smushit, convert to dataURI files.
grunt convertFrames