Python code to parse C code and extract useful statistics.
As part of reciprocal scholarship requirement for Data Structures Class, University of Macedonia 2021.
Edit .c files and removes headers libraries (#include
Then use pycparser module for parsing C files and store them into an AST format.
Where AST stands for Abstract Syntax Tree. After explore inside the AST and extract several interesting statistics like functions defined, number of calls per function, etc.
Functions that are defined inside a .c program are classified using their name, and then there is a tuple for each one. A function's tuple contains a string responding to function's return type, and then a list of tuples where each tuple is a pair of argument's data type and argument's name. For example, suppose we have a function named foo foo's header looks like this -> void foo(int a, char b) our output record for foo would be, foo('void',[ ('int','a'), ('char','b') ] ). In case that that an argument is a pointer the argument data type string is something like '1-Ptr-int', showing a single integer pointer, '2-Ptr-char' showing a double char pointer etc etc.
Check requirements.txt
pip3 install requirements.txt
Prints output to console.
python3 code_file.c
Store Results in
file with name
python3 code_file.c --output f
Name | Description |
C_code_examples | Directory with C code examples to test on. |
C_code_inputs | Directory after #includes are removed. |
Analytics_results_in_txt | Directory where output results are saved if we choose to write them into file. |
ff.c | An example C code. |
ff_analytics.txt | An output file example with all the results. | | The actual program. |
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