statsd-proxy, a proxy server that listens on a configured UDP port (default: 8272) forwards the requests to statsd server and publishes data to Redis.
The proxy is capabale of performaing the following functions
- Will intercept all traffic on the configured port and parse the "c" or count operations.
- Other operations are currently not supported, but its in the TODO
- After parsing we will make a key-value pair where the key will be the property and value will be the counter.
- This key-value (property-counter) will then be published to a redis server
- After this we will pass this request as is to the configured statsd server in the backend.
For communication with the redis server, we use the standard hiredis that can be found here hiredis github Other dependices include
- glibc
- pthreads
- hiredis
To compile the code use the provided make file
cd statsd-proxy
Before running you might need to give permission to the following path, for the user you are running the server as
The server create a log file under this path with the name
After compiling the server, and setting the log file you can run the server as
bin/statsd_proxy [conf_file]
To test make sure the following prerequisites are met
You have a local instance of statsd server running on default port
You have local instance of redis running on default port If the statsd and redis are running on non-default and other machines, change the following file(s) under the tests to depict the same
Change the test.conf to point to the correct values
Change the to point to correct redis server values
- Comment the line /opt/statsd/bin/statsd configuration.js so that we do not try to start a local statsd server
Once, you have the settings done run the following command from the source head
make test
Configuration file is optional, if not provided the server assumes everything is running locally and on the default ports. There is a sample configuration file, in the conf folder called statsd_proxy.conf.example, the configuration properties are self explanatory
# Define the proxy properties here
proxy_port = 8272
# To deamonize the proxy write 1 else 0
# default = 1
daemonize= 1
#Log levels, there are 3
# 1 - INFO
# 2 - INFO + ERROR
# 3 - DEBUG
#default 1
# log file is in /var/log/startd_proxy.log
log_level = 1
#Statds server information
statsd_server_port = 8125
#redis server information
- See if we can try using syslog() to log things
- Add test cases to unit test the code, should be available in next few commits
- Testing with multiple clients connecting at the same time.
- Creating a wiki highlighting the design.