An overlay program for Baldurs Gate 2 EE showing nearest enemies, their resistances, buffs and its durations in realtime.
- BG1EE/BG2EE 2.6 for Radar 2.x
- BG1EE/BG2EE 2.5 for Radar 1.x (Very Outdated)
- ModMerge / DLCMerge to work properly with SoD
Extract the archive inside your game folder
Windows Defender might find the archive to be infected with a virus - which is a false positive. You can check that with VirusTotal
There is a config file "config.cfg". The gamefolder should be detected automatically, if it does not - specify the path manualy. It is also possible to set the language. By default it is set to en_US, but it can be set to any of the languages you have in your BG2\lang folder.
Also, if you are to right-click the Radar at the top left corner it would show a proper Options window