Zan Melodic is a free music player application. The application can listen to music online and offline. With an easy to use and user-friendly interface, I believe that Zan Melodic will bring a great experience to you.Application support on Mobile. Design: Figma Zan Melodic
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- Discovery (browsing)
- Navigation
- Music Categorization
- Recommendations
- Music Collections
- Music Player
- Homepage
- Push Notifications
- Lyrics
- Artists Profiles
- Content Upload
- Playlist manager
- Favorites
- equatable: Being able to compare objects in Dart often involves having to override the == operator as well as hashCode.
- logger: Small, easy to use and extensible logger which prints beautiful logs.
- http: A composable, Future-based library for making HTTP requests.
- url_launcher: A Flutter plugin for launching a URL in the mobile platform. Supports iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- shared_preferences: Flutter plugin for reading and writing simple key-value pairs. Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android.
- get_it: This is a simple Service Locator for Dart and Flutter projects with some additional goodies highly inspired by Splat. It can be used instead of InheritedWidget or Provider to access objects.
- intl: It defines the Intl class, with the default locale and methods for accessing most of the internationalization mechanisms.
- bot_toast: In the true sense of Toast, you can call it whenever you need it, without any restrictions!
- flutter_dialogs: A lightweight and platform-aware plugin for showing dialogs and alerts for both Android and iOS devices. Supports null-safety and Flutter 2.0.
- flutter_bloc: Widgets that make it easy to integrate blocs and cubits into Flutter. Built to work with package:bloc.
- auto_route: It’s a Flutter navigation package, it allows for strongly-typed arguments passing, effortless deep-linking and it uses code generation to simplify routes setup.
- cloud_firestore: A Flutter plugin to use the Cloud Firestore API.
- firebase_storage: A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Cloud Storage API.
- firebase_core: A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Core API, which enables connecting to multiple Firebase apps.
- firebase_messaging: A Flutter plugin to use the Firebase Cloud Messaging API.
- flutter_local_notifications: A cross platform plugin for displaying local notifications.
- just_audio:just_audio is a feature-rich audio player for Android, iOS, macOS, web, Linux and Windows.
- on_audio_query: on_audio_query is a Flutter Plugin used to query audios/songs 🎶 infos [title, artist, album, etc..] from device storage.
- on_audio_room: is a Flutter Package used to create a "room" to storage audio sections [Favorites, Internal Playlists, Most Played, etc...].
- audio_video_progress_bar: A progress bar widget to show or change the position of an audio or video stream.
- palette_generator: A Flutter package to extract prominent colors from an Image, typically used to find colors for a user interface.