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Monitor files by wildcard patterns, upload them to ALIYUN OSS, then move to backup directory.


Command Line

After the package installed, run the command in a terminator, show help messages

$ aliyunoss2-autoupload --help

usage: aliyunoss2-autoupload [-h] [--version] {run,echo_config_sample} ...

Watch files in a directory and upload them to Aliyun OSS on file writing

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit


                        <sub_command --help> Print the help of sub_commands
    run                 Start to run then program. It will monitor and upload
                        files continuously.
    echo_config_sample  Echo configure file sample
$ aliyunoss2-autoupload run --help

usage: aliyunoss2-autoupload run [-h] [--only-once]
                                 [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
                                 [--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --only-once, -o       Upload only once, then exit. Will NOT monitor files.
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE, -c CONFIG_FILE
                        The program configuration file. The program will first
                        try to load configuration file by environment variable
                        ${ALIYUNOSS2_AUTOUPLOAD_CONF}. If the environment
                        variable not assigned, then try to load configuration
                        file "conf/aliyunoss2-autoupload.yml"
                        The logging configuration file. The program will first
                        try to load logging configuration file by environment
                        variable ${ALIYUNOSS2_AUTOUPLOAD_LOG_CONF}. If the
                        environment variable not assigned, then try to load
                        configuration file
$ aliyunoss2-autoupload echo_config_sample --help

usage: aliyunoss2-autoupload echo_config_sample [-h] {prog,log}

positional arguments:
{prog,log}  Configure file to echo

optional arguments:
-h, --help  show this help message and exit

Configuration File

The program will first try to load configuration file from environment variable ALIYUNOSS2_AUTOUPLOAD_CONF. If the environment variable not assigned, then try to load configuration file "conf/aliyunoss2-autoupload.yml".

The YAML file is like blow:


## Aliyun OSS configs
    ## Name of your Aliyun OSS bucket
    name: "your_bucket_name"
    ## Endpoint URL of Aliyun OSS bucket
    endpoint: ""
    ## cname of the domain of Aliyun OSS bucket. Empty if no cname.
    cname: ""
    ## Access Key ID of Aliyun OSS bucket
    access_key_id: "your_access_key_id"
    ## Access Key Secret of Aliyun OSS bucket
    access_key_secret: "your_access_key_secret"

## Directory name configs
    ## Calculate uploading file relative name by this local directory
    rel_dir: ""
    ## Upload files to OSS in this dir
    oss_dir: ""
    ## Move uploaded file the the directory. It MUST be a different dir from where the files are. If not, the file will be uploaded again and again.
    bak_dir: ""

## watcher configs
    ## The time interval(seconds) this program scan the directory
    interval: 30
    ## If the interval between the current time and the file\'s modification time is greater than this value, the write is considered complete.
    write_complete_time: 30
    ## Pattern of the files to watch and upload
    patterns: "files/*.*"
    ## If find patterns recursively
    recursive: false
    ## pool of at most max_workers threads to execute upload/backup tasks. If max_workers is None or not given, it will default to the number of processors on the machine, multiplied by 5.
    max_workers: ~

Also, the program will first try to load logging configuration file by environment variable ALIYUNOSS2_AUTOUPLOAD_LOG_CONF. If the environment variable not assigned, then try to load configuration file "conf/aliyunoss2-autoupload.log.yml".

Logging config file is also YAML. Go to for more information about Python logging config.