thanks for this great addon to ComfyUI
Save icon does not place a .json file ion the collections dir, therefore it cannot be synced
As a novice user i may be missing something obvious to others, but when i create a workfow, and click on the save button the workflow is not saved in the collections folder, and therefore not pushed up to the git repo .
git repo branch name
I noticed that the default branch name in github is now main
not master
, which broke sync initially. renaming the branch on github resolved this issue.
I am confident that the git sync process is now working
If i create a file findthis.json
in the git repo and open ComfyUI-browser from the Browser Button, and click "Sync" then the file is pulled from git repo to the {ComfyUI server}/custom_nodes/comfyui-browser/collections/findthis.json
If I open browser and find a saved png image and click on the Save option, it is copied to the collections dir and Sync pushes it to the git repo.
- create a workflow
- click on the Save button located beside the browser button
- edit the dialog box to change the name, click OK
- check collections dir
rh@aiserver:/ai/ComfyUI$ ls -la ./custom_nodes/comfyui-browser/collections
drwxrwxr-x 3 rh rh 4096 Sep 5 09:05 .
drwxrwxr-x 13 rh rh 4096 Sep 5 08:21 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rh rh 21 Sep 5 09:05
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rh rh 590760 Sep 5 09:05 2024-09-05-003336_4164946695_1725498331.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rh rh 15 Sep 5 09:00 findthis.json
drwxrwxr-x 8 rh rh 4096 Sep 5 09:07 .git
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rh rh 149 Sep 5 08:57
Any pointers to what i may be doing wrong would be much appreciated
thank you