API Rest developed to project final to Acelera program!
Table of Contents
The Lata Velha project is a vehicle management system, in which the administrators of a dealership register vehicles for sale. Customers are then able to see all available vehicles and the details of each one.
The project architecture is formed by:
- Access endpoints that can be used by a front application
- Endpoints that will be used to list vehicles, brands and users to a relational database
- The API allows access only with a valid authentication token
The project was created using the following conditions:
- [Java 11]
- [Spring framework]
- [MySql]
Follows instructions for running the API.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/CaelumAulas/aceleratw-turma1-grupo3-api
- Run the project in the IDE
- Access endpoints
Postman / Insomnia
- Access o Swagger
- Deploy in Heroku
You have access to authentication endpoints.
Tainá Medeiros - taina.medeiros@thoughtworks.com
LinkedIn: /tainamedeiros
Brenda Matias - brenda.matias@thoughtworks.com
LinkedIn: /brenda-matias
Kaê Uchôa - kae.uchoa@thoughtworks.com
LinkedIn: /kaeuchoa