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Immich Smart Albums

A Python utility for creating and managing dynamic photo albums in Immich using native API searches and custom regex filters.


Immich Smart Albums automates photo organization by adding matching images to albums based on search criteria. It:

  • Uses Immich's native metadata and smart search APIs
  • Applies local JSONPath and regex filters to image metadata
  • Works non-destructively (only adds to albums, never deletes or modifies)
  • Can run via crontab for daily maintenance


  • Python 3.6+
  • Required packages: requests, jsonpath-ng
  • An Immich server with API access


# Clone repository
git clone
cd immich-smart-albums

# Install dependencies
pip3 install requests jsonpath_ng

Asset Filtering Architecture

The script implements a powerful and flexible asset filtering system with support for different search types and combination modes.

Search Types

  • Metadata Search: Searches assets based on their metadata (date, location, etc.)
  • Smart Search: Uses AI-powered search for content-based matches
  • Local Filters: Applies JSONPath and regex filters directly to asset data

Combination Modes

Each search type supports two modes:

  • Union Mode: Assets matching ANY of the queries are included (logical OR)
  • Intersection Mode: Only assets matching ALL queries are included (logical AND)

Filter Processing Order

Filters are applied in this sequence:

  1. Include Searches: First metadata searches, then smart searches
  2. Exclude Searches: Remove any excluded assets from the results
  3. Local Filters: Apply additional JSONPath/regex filtering
  4. Asset Limit: Apply any maximum asset limit

Command-Line Parameters

# Include parameters (union)

# Include parameters (intersection)

# Exclude parameters (union)

# Exclude parameters (intersection)

# Common parameters
--key                     Your Immich API Key (env: IMMICH_API_KEY)
--server                  Your Immich server URL (env: IMMICH_SERVER_URL)
--album                   ID of the album to add matching assets to (optional)
--verbose                 Enable verbose output for debugging
--max-assets              Maximum number of assets to process

Detailed Filtering Flow

  1. Include Searches:

    • Execute metadata searches (both union and intersection)
    • Execute smart searches (both union and intersection)
    • For each type, calculate union and intersection results separately
    • When both union and intersection modes are used for the same search type (e.g., both --include-smart-union and --include-smart-intersection), the script takes the intersection of these two result sets
    • This means an asset must satisfy BOTH conditions: match at least one union query AND match all intersection queries
    • Intersect results from metadata and smart searches if both exist
  2. Exclude Searches:

    • Execute metadata and smart exclude searches in both modes
    • Combine all excluded assets (union of all excludes)
    • Remove excluded assets from include results
  3. Local Filters:

    • Apply include local filters (union and intersection)
    • Apply exclude local filters (union and intersection)
    • Combine and apply to search results
  4. Limit:

    • If --max-assets is specified, limit the result set

Quick Start Examples

Basic Usage - Preview Mode

Start by running the script without the --album parameter to preview results:

# Set environment variables
export IMMICH_SERVER_URL="https://your-immich-server"
export IMMICH_API_KEY="your-api-key"

# Preview summer photos from 2023
python3 --include-metadata-intersection filters/summer-2023.json

Add Photos to an Album

Once satisfied with the preview, add the --album parameter:

# Add all beach photos to "Beach Memories" album
python3 --include-smart-union filters/beach.json --album beach-memories-album-id

Boolean Search (AND)

Find assets with mountains AND beach (intersection mode):

python --key YOUR_API_KEY --server \
  --include-smart-intersection '{"query":"mountains", "resultLimit":100}' \
  '{"query":"beach", "resultLimit":100}'

Boolean Search (OR)

Find assets with either mountains OR beach (union mode):

python --key YOUR_API_KEY --server \
  --include-smart-union '{"query":"mountains", "resultLimit":100}' \
  '{"query":"beach", "resultLimit":100}'

Mixed Mode Example

When using both union and intersection modes together, the filtering becomes more powerful:

# This command finds:
# - Assets matching "mountains" OR "landscape" (union mode)
# - THAT ALSO match both "summer" AND "sunny" (intersection mode)
python --server --key YOUR_API_KEY \
  --include-smart-union '{"query":"mountains"}' '{"query":"landscape"}' \
  --include-smart-intersection '{"query":"summer"}' '{"query":"sunny"}'

The result will contain only assets that:

  1. Match either "mountains" OR "landscape" (union condition)
  2. AND ALSO match both "summer" AND "sunny" (intersection condition)

Exclusion Filter

Find mountain scenes but exclude those with people:

python --key YOUR_API_KEY --server \
  --include-smart-union '{"query":"mountains", "resultLimit":100}' \
  --exclude-smart-union '{"query":"person", "resultLimit":100}'

Complex Query

Find beach images taken in summer, but exclude those with people and sunsets:

python --key YOUR_API_KEY --server \
  --include-smart-union '{"query":"beach", "resultLimit":200}' \
  --include-metadata-union '{"datetime": {"from": "2023-06-01", "to": "2023-09-01"}}' \
  --exclude-smart-union '{"query":"person", "resultLimit":100}' '{"query":"sunset", "resultLimit":100}'

Custom Local Filtering

Apply custom JSONPath filters to include only JPG images:

python --key YOUR_API_KEY --server \
  --include-smart-union '{"query":"mountains", "resultLimit":100}' \
  --include-local-filter-union '[{"path": "$.originalPath", "regex": "\\.jpe?g$", "description": "JPG files only"}]'

Camera-Specific Albums using local filters

# Photos taken with Apple
python3 \
  --include-metadata-union filters/all-photos.json \
  --include-local-filter-intersection filters/localfilter-apple.json \
  --album apple-photos-album-id


Generate API keys from your Immich portal:

Tips for Getting Started

  • Album IDs must be specified as UUIDs, which can be found in the URL bar when viewing an album in the Immich UI (e.g.,
  • Person IDs can be found by clicking on a person's face in the UI, which reveals the UUID in the URL (e.g.,
  • Search queries can be made and extracted from the UI: Copy query string from URL after /search?query=, URL decode it
    • After decoding, the JSON works as-is as a filter file
    • Context searches in UI become smart search JSON files
    • Filename/metadata searches in UI become metadata search JSON files


  • Filter by date ranges, people, locations using metadata API
  • Use natural language queries with smart search API (e.g., "beach sunset", "smiling children", "red car")
  • Apply custom filters to any EXIF data (camera model, aperture, filepath and filename patterns, country, city)
  • Combine multiple filters with inclusion/exclusion logic
  • Find photos with specific combinations of people
  • Combine person recognition with object detection (e.g., people with cars)

Important Notes

  • Smart search is not always "smart" - be aware of its limitations:
    • When using resultLimit, the API may return unrelated images after relevant matches
    • Example: If you search for "car" with resultLimit: 200 but only have 2 car photos, you'll get 198 unrelated images. Deal with it.
    • Use the preview mode (without --album) to check results before adding to albums
  • Local filtering requires metadata or smart search as well - it cannot run standalone
  • Combining multiple search criteria in a single JSON query is more efficient
  • Always set resultLimit in smart-search as the API will otherwise return all Immich images sorted by relevance: json {"query": "mountain", "resultLimit": 200}

Advanced Local Filters

Local filters use JSONPath and regex to filter assets based on specific criteria. Example filter syntax:

    "path": "$.originalPath",
    "regex": "\\.jpe?g$",
    "description": "JPG files only"
    "path": "$.exifInfo.make",
    "regex": "Canon",
    "description": "Canon cameras only"

In union mode, assets matching ANY filter are included. In intersection mode, assets must match ALL filters.

Use Case: Apple photos taken in Finland

# filters/localfilter-apple.json
[ {"path": "$.exifInfo.make", "regex": "Apple", "description": "Photos taken with any Apple device"} ]

$ cat filters/localfilter-finland.json
[{"path": "$", "regex": "Finland", "description": "Photos taken in Finland"}]

python3 --include-metadata-union all-images.json --include-local-filter-intersection filters/localfilter-apple.json filters/localfilter-finland.json --album iphone-in-finland

Performance Tips

  1. Use resultLimit in search queries to limit initial result sets
  2. Use --max-assets for final output limitation
  3. Smart searches are more resource-intensive than metadata searches
  4. For complex queries, prefer chaining multiple filters rather than complex regex

Use Cases

Date range albums

# 2023-Q1-memories
{ "takenAfter": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "takenBefore": "2023-03-31T23:59:59.999Z" }

python3 --include-metadata-union filters/metadata-2023-Q1.json --album 2023-Q1-memories

People together in Helsinki during specific period

# holidays-2022.json
{"personIds": ["person-id-1", "person-id-2"], "takenAfter": "2022-12-20T00:00:00.000Z", "takenBefore": "2023-01-10T23:59:59.999Z", "city":"Helsinki"}

python3 --include-metadata-union filters/holidays-2022.json --album holiday-together

People with objects

# people.json
{"personIds": ["your-id", "friend-id"], "query": "porsche car background", "resultLimit": 300}

python3 --include-metadata-union filters/people.json --album porsche-friends

Real-World Use Case

Originally created for a family setup with separate Immich accounts:

  • Automatically collects photos of specific people from both accounts into a shared family album
  • Creates a "safe for relatives" version by filtering out potential NSFW content
  • Works alongside manual additions to the shared albums

Crafting Filter JSON


The following fields are available for local JSONPath and regex filters:

                "id": "53c77aa3-52ff-4819-8900-d7bf0b134752",
                "deviceAssetId": "20250228_161739.JPG",
                "ownerId": "6f9cf9e4-c538-40c4-b18f-9663576679d5",
                "deviceId": "Library Import",
                "libraryId": "f01b0af6-14e9-4dc0-9e78-4e6fb9181bae",
                "type": "IMAGE",
                "originalPath": "/niitty/2025-02/20250228_161739.JPG",
                "originalFileName": "20250228_161739.JPG",
                "originalMimeType": "image/jpeg",
                "thumbhash": "3ygGDYI7hZacoIUuZ9dJiT1uoLoH",
                "fileCreatedAt": "2025-02-28T14:17:39.402Z",
                "fileModifiedAt": "2025-02-28T14:17:39.000Z",
                "localDateTime": "2025-02-28T16:17:39.402Z",
                "updatedAt": "2025-03-03T00:00:32.609Z",
                "isFavorite": false,
                "isArchived": false,
                "isTrashed": false,
                "duration": "0:00:00.00000",
                "exifInfo": {
                    "make": "Apple",
                    "model": "iPhone 15 Pro",
                    "exifImageWidth": 4032,
                    "exifImageHeight": 3024,
                    "fileSizeInByte": 1695013,
                    "orientation": "1",
                    "dateTimeOriginal": "2025-02-28T14:17:39.402+00:00",
                    "modifyDate": "2025-02-28T14:17:39+00:00",
                    "timeZone": "UTC+2",
                    "lensModel": "iPhone 15 Pro back triple camera 2.22mm f/2.2",
                    "fNumber": 2.2,
                    "focalLength": 2.220000029,
                    "iso": 1600,
                    "exposureTime": "1/34",
                    "latitude": 60.1000000,
                    "longitude": 24.100000000,
                    "city": "Helsinki",
                    "state": "Uusimaa",
                    "country": "Finland",
                    "description": "",
                    "projectionType": null,
                    "rating": null
                "livePhotoVideoId": null,
                "people": [],
                "checksum": "mSPNjmXBvLCD6ukNAvUa0XAw+cg=",
                "isOffline": false,
                "hasMetadata": true,
                "duplicateId": null,
                "resized": true

Note that the people field is always empty and cannot be used. The Immich search API does not bother to return all image details without loading the image separately.


Create your own to automate album synchronization:

export IMMICH_SERVER_URL="http://your-immich-server"
export IMMICH_API_KEY="your-api-key"

# Daily family album update
python3 \
  --include-metadata-union filters/family.json \
  --exclude-smart-union filters/nsfw.json \
  --album family-album-uuid

# Weekly beach photos update
python3 \
  --include-smart-union filters/beach.json \
  --album beach-album-uuid

echo "Album synchronization complete!"











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