When installed on a Mac, assumed that brew is installed first, then asdf, then chezmoi
(Nearly) All of the language tooling I used is manaaged by asdf these days. So separately from chezmoi, asdf needs to be installed and setup. (install asdf, install plugins, install each tool)
The following plugins to asdf should get installed:
- elixir (builtin)
- erlang (builtin)
- golang asdf-golang
- lua asdf-lua
- nodejs (builtin)
- ruby (builtin)
These below cross out of just dotfiles and are into package/extension management. And very much are things I want to manage, but should they get managed by the dotfile tool? or does this belong to something else?
No idea. Maybe don't bother?
VSC has a builtin system to backup and sync settings. Is there a way to expose that?
I don't want to install brew, or run it from chezmoi. However it would be nice to maintain the file here.
asdf-lua doesn't support a .default-lua file, but I also don't need any at this point in time.