A secure, sane-defaults password generator for Unix and GNU/Linux.
- You want a password generator which runs on the command line
- You want a password generator with no dependencies (e.g. gcrypt, openssl)
- You want a password generator with a small amount of code, so you can read and understand it easily
- You want a program which fails loudly at the first sign of trouble
- You trust your kernel's random source, but only when it has been seeded properly
- You want your passwords to be "pronounceable" or "memorable"
- You want a password generator with a GUI
- You prefer to login to your password manager before being able to generate passwords
- You have an old kernel or C library without the
call in it
# Generate one 64-character password
docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/t-richards/password-generator
# Build program
# Show usage
$ ./password-generator --help
Usage: ./password-generator [password_length] [num_passwords]
# Generate one 64-character password
# Generate 8 32-character passwords
./password-generator 32 8