A list of projects for beginners.
If you're completely new to programming, you may want to look into a tutorial. Before starting, you should already know the basics of programming such as variables, loops, dictionaries, and how to define functions, as well as how to run programs on your own machine.
Each project idea has a basic goal for you to achieve, as well as subgoals that require a bit more thought, but help make your program more interesting. The overall intent for this repository is to serve as a learning resource for everyone and to help transition learners from a beginning level to an intermediate level. In addition, learners are encouraged to contribute their solutions to this repository and thereby learn the basics of Git.
Almost all projects can be completed in any language, but some were specifically written to be completed with Python.
Remember, if you don't know how to do something, Google is your friend.
If you are completely stuck:
$ python
>>> import antigravity
(projects are ordered by increasing difficulty)
- 99 Bottles
- Magic 8 Ball
- Pythagorean Triples Checker
- Coin Estimator By Weight
- Mad Libs Story Maker
- Change Calculator
- Mean, Median, and Mode
- Higher Lower Guessing Game
- Multiplication Table
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Hangman Game
- Menu Calculator
- Dice Rolling Simulator
- Count and Fix Green Eggs and Ham
- What's My Number?
- Factors of a Number
- Countdown Clock
- Turn Based Pokemon Style Game
- A Variation of 21
- Compare Recent reddit Karma
- Watch for New TIL Facts
- Random Wikipedia Article
- What's the Weather?
Contributing to this repository in any way is encouraged.
Some ways to contribute are:
- Adding solutions
- Adding new projects to the project list
- Editing the README
If you want to add a solution to one of the projects:
- Save it in your own repository
- Find the appropriate project folder in the solutions directory in this repo
- Click on the README.md file and edit it
- Add a link to your solution in the solution section
I did not create any of these projects. I originally found them on reddit where they are maintained here, but I decided that a Github repository where learners can contribute their own solutions was more user-friendly and accessible, and so this repo was born.