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Splitting Records and Duplicate Data

Jason Walonoski edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 1 revision

In Synthea each patient has a single longitudinal record by default, regardless of how many providers they see.

However, you have the ability to split patient records by providing organization, by altering

# split records allows patients to have one record per provider organization
exporter.split_records = false
exporter.split_records.duplicate_data = false

Setting exporter.split_records = true will create more than one file for each patient for formats like FHIR, CCDA, and Text. CDW will split the records (i.e. the patient data won't be merged under a single patient identifier). By design, the CSV export format is unaffected by this setting.

Setting exporter.split_records.duplicate_data = true will duplicate data across the split records for FHIR, CCDA, and Text. For software using this data, you can consider this duplicated data or actually repeated tests/procedures/medications, as you prefer.

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