Tags: synsuman/electrode
- new dev reverse proxy using redbird - fixes and dep updates
- migrate `extract-text-webpack-plugin` to `mini-css-extract-plugin`
- add flag to turn off JS minify in production build - support index HTML template wirtten in JSX - fix electrode-io#1189 - eslint error in generated app - fix uglifyJs issue - fix stylesheet has in name when transpiling for a single env target - update OTA docs
- replace uglify with terser - add WEBPACK_MINIFY flag to allow disabling minify in prod mode - fix presets and plugins issue in multi-targets
- [dep] use core-js and regenerator-runtime to replace deprecated @ba… …bel/polyfill - [fix] Bypass webpackDev resolve if SSR off
- fix subapp in prod mode - support for React16's renderToNodeStream - remove css-split-plugin - allow sourcemap to work in local prod mode - babel extendLoader babel config through babel-loader instead of babelrc