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We use Loyalty smart contract to keep track of points earned and redeem by a member of the Synergy Loyalty program. Besides, we hold for each Member a score on how loyal he or she is. It's designed to be upgradeable to support future features.


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Loyalty Contract

Build Status License

We use Loyalty smart contract to keep track of points earned and redeem by a member of the Synergy Loyalty program. Besides, we hold for each Member a score on how loyal he or she is. It's designed to be upgradeable to support future features.

Getting started

Development steps

# Install package
$ npm install

# Start the Ethereum emulator
$ npx ganache-cli --gasPrice 0 -l 100000000 -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"

# Then open a new terminal, first run the contracts migrations
$ px truffle migrate

# Last, run all the tests
$ npx truffle test

Go to production

# Update your settings on truffle-config.js according your prouduction enviroment. e.g., mine was: 
#    production: {
#      host: "localhost",
#      port: 22000, // was 8545
#      network_id: "*", // Match any network id
#      gasPrice: 0,
#      // gas: 10000000,
#      type: "quorum" // needed for Truffle to support Quorum
#    }

$ npx truffle migrate --network production

# Now, you can run tests into the production

$ npx truffle test --network production

Contract Interface


The description of every structure is used by the Loyalty Contract.

Member (Participant): it is represents a buyer in the loyalty network.

Type Name
address memberAddress
uint points
bool isRegistered

Partner (Participant): it is represents a COOP company which offers discounts or perks in the loyalty network.

Type Name
address partnerAddress
bool isRegistered

TransactionType (Enum): it is the type of transaction, a buyer either can earn or redeem points.


PointsTransaction (Transaction): it is the description of every transaction in the loyalty network.

Type Name
uint points
uint timestamp
address partnerAddress
address memberAddress
TransactionType transactionType

RecoverAction (Wallet): in case of lost digital wallet we provide the option to recover your loyalty point, with this structure we keep track every recovery try.

Type Name
newMemberAddress address
oldMemberAddress address


initialized(): return contract status.

initialize(address newAdministrator):

setScoreTimespan(uint256 scoreTimespan):


registerMember(address member):

registerPartner(address partner):

earnPoints (uint _points, address _memberAddress, address _partnerAddress):

usePoints (uint _points, address _memberAddress, address _partnerAddress):

recoverPoints (address _oldMemberAddress, address _newMemberAddress):

getLoyaltyScore(address _member):




Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




This application is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825268”.


We use Loyalty smart contract to keep track of points earned and redeem by a member of the Synergy Loyalty program. Besides, we hold for each Member a score on how loyal he or she is. It's designed to be upgradeable to support future features.








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