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ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
This is a conversation maker for the GameBoy Advance Fire Emblem games, (used to be only for FE8) read the README.txt for more information.
This repository is for an arduino based watch
Memory hacking library for Dwarf Fortress and a set of tools that use it
A Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead launcher with additional features
KeePassXC is a cross-platform community-driven port of the Windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
Recursive and authoritative DNS server in go, including DNSSEC and DNS-over-TLS
Notifies you when long-running terminal commands complete
Etherpad: A modern really-real-time collaborative document editor.
Browser extensions which enable the use of (secure UDP) prior to adoption in web browsers
ZZZKBot is a bot (AI) for Starcraft: Broodwar. It is designed to compete against other bots. It is not designed to compete against humans. It uses BWAPI as an API for interacting with Starcraft: Br…
A proxy to allow browsing Instagram with the Unix `talk` command. Inspired by alt text of
An expandable layout container for Android
py3status is an extensible i3status wrapper written in python
i3lock script that takes a screenshot of the desktop, blurs the background and adds a lock icon and text
🎧 mpris media player command-line controller for vlc, mpv, RhythmBox, web browsers, cmus, mpd, spotify and others.
Per directory history for zsh, as well as global history, and the ability to toggle between them with ^G.
Just a nodejs cli to control
MSI SteelSeries Keyboard LED Controller
Loop Habit Tracker, a mobile app for creating and maintaining long-term positive habits
Nucleus is an Android library, which utilizes the Model-View-Presenter pattern to properly connect background tasks with visual parts of an application.
An Android library for decomposing RecyclerView layouts to improve scroll performance.