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Dynamic Periodic Event Graphs for Multivariate Time Series Pattern Prediction (PeerJ Computer Science)

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Dynamic Periodic Event Bipartite Graph


paper : Dynamic Periodic Event Bipartite Graphs for Multivariate Time Series Pattern Prediction
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Requirements & Setup

This codebase utilizes Anaconda for managing environmental dependencies. Please follow these steps to set up the environment:

  1. Download Anaconda: Click here to download Anaconda.

  2. Clone the Repository: Git Large File Storage (git-lfs) is required to download big size datasets in our repository. Clone the repository using the following command.

    git clone
  3. Install Requirements:

    • Navigate to the cloned repository:
      cd periodic-event-graph
    • Create a Conda environment from the provided environment.yaml file:
      conda env create -f environment.yaml
    • Activate the Conda environment:
      conda activate periodic-graph

This will set up the environment required to run the codebase.


Below are the details and download links for datasets used in our experiments:

Power Consumption

This dataset consists of power consumption data for a local community comprising 50 households and 1 public building. The public building data used in the experiment provides consumption profiles for the building, categorized by appliances. It covers 96 intervals per day at 15-minute intervals, offering a year's worth of data and profiles for 10 appliances. (Download)


This dataset contains 48 months (2015-2016) of hourly data from the California Department of Transportation. It describes road occupancy rates (ranging between 0 and 1) measured by various sensors on San Francisco Bay area freeways. (Download)

Exchange Rate

This dataset includes daily exchange rates of eight foreign countries: Australia, Britain, Canada, Switzerland, China, Japan, New Zealand, and Singapore, spanning from 1990 to 2016. (Download)

These datasets provide valuable resources for our experiments.

Periodic Event Graph Generation

The --period parameter is used for STL algorithm.

# Power consumption
python --dataset_name 'power' --period 4 --motif 5 --cluster 2

# Exchange rate
python --dataset_name 'exchange' --period 4 --motif 3 --cluster 2

# Traffic
python --dataset_name 'traffic' --period 4 --motif 3 --cluster 3

These commands generate periodic event graphs for different datasets with specified parameters.


Replace <dataset_name> with one of the following options: traffic, power, exchange.

Periodic Event Graph without Residual Node

python --dataset_name <dataset_name>_peg_wo_residual

Periodic Event Graph with Residual Node

python --dataset_name <dataset_name>_peg_w_residual

Periodic Event Graph with Simple Residual Node

python --dataset_name <dataset_name>_peg_w_simple_residual

These commands preprocess the data for the specified dataset, generating periodic event graphs with or without residual nodes as required.

Dynamic GNNs Link Prediction

Replace <dataset_name> with one of the following options: traffic, power, exchange. Replace <dgnn_model> with one of the following options: JODIE, DyRep, TGAT, TGN, GraphMixer.

python --dataset_name <dataset_name>_peg_wo_residual --model_name <dgnn_model> --load_best_configs --num_runs 5 --num_epochs 10

This command trains a dynamic graph neural network for link prediction on the specified dataset using the selected model, with best configurations loaded, running 5 trials for 10 epochs each.

Optional arguments

  --dataset_name                    dataset to be used
  --batch_size                      batch size
  --model_name                      name of the model, note that EdgeBank is only applicable for evaluation
  --gpu GPU                         number of gpu to use
  --num_neighbors                   number of neighbors to sample for each node
  --sample_neighbor_strategy        how to sample historical neighbors
  --time_scaling_factor             the hyperparameter that controls the sampling preference with time interval, a large time_scaling_factor tends to sample more on recent links, 0.0 corresponds to uniform sampling, it works when sample_neighbor_strategy == time_interval_aware
  --num_walk_heads                  number of heads used for the attention in walk encoder
  --num_heads                       number of heads used in attention layer
  --num_layers                      number of model layers
  --walk_length                     length of each random walk
  --time_gap                        time gap for neighbors to compute node features
  --time_feat_dim                   dimension of the time embedding
  --position_feat_dim               dimension of the position embedding
  --edge_bank_memory_mode           how memory of EdgeBank works
  --time_window_mode                how to select the time window size for time window memory
  --patch_size                      patch size
  --channel_embedding_dim           dimension of each channel embedding
  --max_input_sequence_length       maximal length of the input sequence of each node
  --learning_rate                   learning rate
  --dropout                         dropout rate
  --num_epochs                      number of epochs
  --optimizer                       name of optimizer
  --weight_decay                    weight decay
  --patience                        patience for early stopping
  --val_ratio                       ratio of validation set
  --test_ratio                      ratio of test set
  --num_runs                        number of runs
  --test_interval_epochs            how many epochs to perform testing once
  --negative_sample_strategy        strategy for the negative edge sampling
  --load_best_configs               whether to load the best configurations

Special Thanks to

We extend our gratitude to the authors of the following libraries for generously sharing their source code and dataset: DyGLib, MASS, Peak over Threshold, MvTS

Your contributions are greatly appreciated.


  title={Dynamic Periodic Event Graphs for multivariate time series pattern prediction},
  author={Park, SoYoung and Lee, HyeWon and Lim, Sungsu},
  journal={PeerJ Computer Science},
  publisher={PeerJ Inc.}


Dynamic Periodic Event Graphs for Multivariate Time Series Pattern Prediction (PeerJ Computer Science)







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