Implements a DBAPI (PEP-249) and SQLAlchemy dialect,
that enables SQL access on elasticsearch clusters for query only access.
Uses Elastic X-Pack SQL API
We are currently building support for opendistro/_sql
This library supports Elasticsearch 7.X versions.
$ pip install elasticsearch-dbapi
To install support for AWS ES:
$ pip install elasticsearch-dbapi[aws]
from es.elastic.api import connect
conn = connect(host='localhost')
curs = conn.cursor()
"select * from flights LIMIT 10"
print([row for row in curs])
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
engine = create_engine("elasticsearch+http://localhost:9200/")
rows = engine.connect().execute(
"select * from flights LIMIT 10"
print([row for row in rows])
from sqlalchemy import func, select
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData, Table
engine = create_engine("elasticsearch+http://localhost:9200/")
logs = Table("flights", MetaData(bind=engine), autoload=True)
count = select([func.count("*")], from_obj=logs).scalar()
print(f"COUNT: {count}")
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.schema import Table, MetaData
engine = create_engine("elasticsearch+http://localhost:9200/")
logs = Table("flights", MetaData(bind=engine), autoload=True)
metadata = MetaData()
print([table for table in metadata.sorted_tables])
is used to establish connections and transport, this is the official
elastic python library. Elasticsearch
constructor accepts multiple optional parameters
that can be used to properly configure your connection on aspects like security, performance
and high availability. These optional parameters can be set at the connection string, for
will set transport to use gzip (http_compress) and timeout to 10 seconds.
For more information on configuration options, look at elasticsearch-py
’s documentation:
The connection string follows RFC-1738, to support multiple nodes you should use sniff_*
To run unittest launch elasticsearch and kibana (kibana is really not required but is a nice to have)
$ docker-compose up -d
$ nosetests -v
AWS ES exposes the opendistro SQL plugin, and it follows a different SQL dialect.
Because of dialect and API response differences, we provide limited support for opendistro SQL
on this package using the odelasticsearch
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
engine = create_engine(
rows = engine.connect().execute(
"select count(*), Carrier from flights GROUP BY Carrier"
print([row for row in rows])
This library does not yet support the following features:
- Array type columns are not supported. Elaticsearch SQL does not support them either.
will exclude them. object
column types are not well supported and are converted to strings- Indexes that whose name start with
- GEO points are not currently well-supported and are converted to strings
- Very limited support for AWS ES, no AWS Auth yet for example