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letterboxd Public
Python 3 wrapper for the Letterboxd API v0
rentomatic Public
Forked from ASK-ME-ABOUT-LOOM/purgeomaticDelete movie/tv data based on streaming rental rules
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 15, 2024 -
advent-of-code-2023 Public
Advent of Code 2023 from https://adventofcode.com/2023
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 9, 2023 -
flop_3d_layers Public
Converts Prusa SL1 image slices for printing on a Wanhao D7.
your.bugreportneedsmore.info Public
Forked from norman/yourbugreportneedsmore.infoThe your.bugreportneedsmore.info website
django-sortedm2m Public
Forked from jazzband/django-sortedm2mA transparent sorted ManyToMany field for django.
mac-ibm-notifications Public
Forked from IBM/mac-ibm-notificationsmacOS agent used to display custom notifications and alerts to the end user.
fitness-ladder Public
Track which rung of the Fitness Ladder you are on.
SupportApp Public
Forked from root3nl/SupportAppThe Support App is developed by Root3, specialized in managing Apple devices. Root3 offers consultancy and support for organizations to get the most out of their Apple devices and is based in The N…
yonce Public
Forked from minamarkham/yonce👑 Queen Bey-inspired themes for all your favs.
RedScreen Public
Forked from interealtime/RedScreenRedScreen is a utility for Mac OSX for night-time screen enhancement. It lets you dim your screen, add a red filter to preserve night vision and more.
DripBot Public
A device to announce fresh drip coffee to a Mattermost Channel, and forever banish the scourge of “yestercoffee.”
TouchFinger Public
After Effects expressions for easy animation of touch highlights for iOS/Android screencasts.
Mahjong Public
Forked from ArcturusZhang/MahjongA simple internet Japanese mahjong game made with unity
git-open Public
Forked from paulirish/git-openType `git open` to open the GitHub page or website for a repository in your browser.
kilaueacove Public
Code, diagrams, and other elements for my screening room and tiki bar themed environment
Automation Public
AppleScripts, JXA, and other useful automation tools
pycharm-blender-mac Public
Forked from mutantbob/pycharm-blenderScript that generates stubs of Blender's Python API for code completion in PyCharm, modified for use on macOS.
tmdbsimple Public
Forked from celiao/tmdbsimpleA wrapper for The Movie Database API v3.
AVScriptFormat Public
Script format for writing in Markdown and previewing in side-by-side audio/video format
ae-expressions Public
Often-used and interesting After Effects expressions
Graphs multiple feed stats in a Graph Panel for Panic Status Board.
mattermost_bot Public
Forked from LPgenerator/mattermost_botMatterBot - A chat bot for MatterMost (http://www.mattermost.org).
PaleoPixel Public
Raspberry Pi control of WS2801 RGB Pixels, with NeoPixel library compatibility
OpenCV2-Python-Tutorials Public
Forked from abidrahmank/OpenCV2-Python-TutorialsThis repo contains tutorials on OpenCV-Python library using new cv2 interface