BEM-compatible SASS mixins for styling radioboxes and checkboxes
Via NPM:
$ npm i sass-custom-box
<div class="my-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="my_checkbox" name="checkbox_field" class="my-checkbox__input"/>
<label for="my_checkbox" class="my-checkbox__label">Label</label>
@include custom-box(my-checkbox) {
@include custom-box-input();
@include custom-box-label();
<div class="my-radiobox">
<input type="radio" id="my_radiobox1" name="radiobox_field" class="my-radiobox__input"/>
<label for="my_radiobox1" class="my-radiobox__label">Label</label>
<div class="my-radiobox">
<input type="radio" id="my_radiobox2" name="radiobox_field" class="my-radiobox__input"/>
<label for="my_radiobox2" class="my-radiobox__label">Label</label>
@include custom-box(my-radiobox, radiobox) {
@include custom-box-input();
@include custom-box-label();
This library comes with a predefined theme. To customize (parts of) this theme pass a scss map to the set-custom-box-theme()
mixin as follows:
$my-theme: (
container: (
background-color: red,
border: 1px solid black
@include set-custom-box-theme($my-theme);
Below is the scss map which contains the default theme. Each of these items can be customized using the set-custom-box-theme()
// default theme
container: (
_checked: (
background-color: #b3e5fc,
border: 1px solid #01579b
_focus: (
box-shadow: 0 0 5px #01579b
background-color: #b3e5fc,
border: 1px solid #01579b,
border-radius: .2em,
height: 1em,
margin: 0 .5em 0 0,
transition: all .1s ease-in-out,
width: 1em
tick: (
background-color: #01579b,
transition: all .1s ease-in-out
In order to change checkbox specific styling pass an scss map with your desired items to the set-custom-box-checkbox-theme()
You can override any of the default checkbox items, the default checkbox theme is the default theme as shown above appended with the following scss map:
// default checkbox theme, appended to the default theme
tick: (
border-width: .2em,
height: .6em,
left: .075em,
top: .2em,
width: .4em
In order to change radiospecific styling pass an scss map with your desired items to the set-custom-box-radiobox-theme()
You can override any of the default radiobox items, the default radiobox theme is the default theme as shown above appended with the following scss map:
// default radiobox theme, appended to the default theme
container: (
border-radius: 50%,
tick: (
border-radius: 50%,
height: .5em,
left: .25em,
top: .25em,
width: .5em
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
$ npm run test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
SWIS is a web agency from Leiden, the Netherlands. We love working with open source software.