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Releases: sweatshoptech/idb

Phase 3

20 Apr 23:06
Choose a tag to compare
  • Search bar/button added
  • Search results for all models with AND and OR results and proper pagination
  • Visualization of another group's project using D3
  • General bug/visual fixes
  • Favicon
  • ReactJS used for home carousel

Phase 2

16 Apr 22:31
Choose a tag to compare
  • Content rendered dynamically from database
  • 4 models
  • 1000s of rows
  • More complex relationships
  • Aesthetic overhaul

Phase 1

16 Apr 22:29
Choose a tag to compare

Mostly static website but some content is dynamically rendered from the database.

  • 4 models
  • 3 instances of each model
  • Aesthetic improvement needed
  • Cards with Isotope for responsive grid
  • Front-end filtering and sorting
  • Basic relationships