This is the course material for the Software Carpentry workshop taking place in Würzburg June 26th and 27th, 2017. The course is an introduction for novices to the Unix Shell, Python and git.
- Introduction of the instructors and helpers
- Name tags
- Introduction of the participants
- Ice breaker - Sort people by the following values:
- Code of Conduct => Be excellent to each other!
- Photos
- Breaks
- Material of the course
- The etherpad
- Short URL:
- Exercise - add your name to the list of participants
- Motivation
- Access to tools that only have CLI
- Automation
- Reproducibility / Transparency
- Who has still issue with installation?
- Files, folders, locations
- Manipulating files and folders
- Connecting tools with pipes
loops- Shell scripting
- Print, literal constants
- Variables
- String format operators
- Data structures: str, int, float, list, dict
- File handling
- New lines, tab etc., regular expression
- Conditionals
startement for
- Function definition
- Writing Python scripts
- numpy
- The Software Carpentry Git lesson
- Setup
- Creating a Repository
- Tracking Changes
- Exploring History
- Ignoring things
- Remote repositories
- GitHub
- GitLab instance at Uni Würzburg
This session offers space for further exercises, questions and related topics like open source / open content licenses, open science practices, reproducible research.
- Fill out the post- workshop survey of SWC
Text Editors / IDEs (integrated development environment)
Main ways to work with Python
- Script
- interactive after calling "python" or "ipython" (REPL)
- Jupyter notebook
Markdown - A markup language
Python 2.7 (legacy!) vs Python 3 (currently 3.6)
Comparison of R to Python
Useful Python libraries
- pandas
- numpy
- scipy
- scikit-learn - Machine learning
- scikit-image - Image analysis
- matplotlib - 2D plotting library
- seaborn - statistical data visualization
- bokeh
- statsmodel
This work by Markus Ankenbrand, Florian Goth and Konrad Förstner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.