A simple program that computes the Knapsack problem using branch-and-bound (fractional method) (old school project, Algorithmic and Operations Reseach class, 2017).
mkdir obj && mkdir bin && make
./bin/knapsack --help
Usage: ./bin/knapsack --help | --tests | <file_name>
#include "branch_and_bound.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "solution.h"
object *objects;
solution *sol;
int objects_number, max_weight;
/* The loaded file returns a list of objects and a maximal weight */
if (!(objects = objects_load_from_file(argv[1], &objects_number, & max_weight))) {
fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Failed to load data file.\n");
fprintf(stdout, "The weight capacity of the knapsack is: %d.\n", max_weight);
sol = branch_and_bound(objects, objects_number, max_weight);
solution_print(sol, stdout);
free((void *)objects);
./bin/knapsack res/knapsack0
The weight capacity of the knapsack is: 1000.
Execution of the algorithm in 0.000052s.
The optimum is 103.
Variables and nodes:
node : level:0 profit:25 bound:103 weight:231.000000
object : weight:231 value:25 ratio:0.108225
node : level:1 profit:37 bound:103 weight:343.000000
object : weight:112 value:12 ratio:0.107143
node : level:2 profit:50 bound:103 weight:467.000000
object : weight:124 value:13 ratio:0.104839
node : level:3 profit:73 bound:103 weight:689.000000
object : weight:222 value:23 ratio:0.103604
node : level:4 profit:83 bound:103 weight:787.000000
object : weight:98 value:10 ratio:0.102041
node : level:5 profit:99 bound:103 weight:950.000000
object : weight:163 value:16 ratio:0.098160
./bin/knapsack res/knapsack1
The weight capacity of the knapsack is: 2000.
Execution of the algorithm in 0.004980s.
The optimum is 2077672.
Variables and nodes:
./bin/knapsack res/knapsack2
The weight capacity of the knapsack is: 2000.
Execution of the algorithm in 0.006011s.
The optimum is 2095878.
Variables and nodes:
./bin/knapsack res/knapsack3
The weight capacity of the knapsack is: 2000.
Execution of the algorithm in 0.031755s.
The optimum is 2132531.
Variables and nodes:
./bin/knapsack res/knapsack4
The weight capacity of the knapsack is: 2000.
Execution of the algorithm in 0.604614s.
The optimum is 2166542.
Variables and nodes:
- Charly Lamothe
- Doulkifouli Abdallah-Ali